Gertrudis Simplicissimus

Village chief of Pixerisland, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Knight of the Order of Mines

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Armorial Gertrudis Simplicissimus

Gertrudis Simplicissimus

Gertrudis Simplicissimus

Born on 1735246374

Village chief of Pixerisland, Officer of the Order of Cartographers, Knight of the Order of Mines

Heirs: Simplicius Simplicissimus: Village chief of Simplicissimusland, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Cartographers, Mines and Agriculture Merit, Tarlack Simplicissimus: Village chief of Tarlacklandia, Knight of the Order of Merit, Eusebia Simplicissimus: Village chief of Patinadaland, Officer of the Order of Mines, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers and Agriculture Merit, Eugenia Simplicissimus: Village chief of Villa Topo, Officer of the Order of Cartographers and Mines, Hamlet chief of Segunda Cagada, Knight of the Order of Merit.

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MTk1M2SijIpnq3x2aoVriHxnfXlqeYZraqiDiWama4h2c32Ebnl8ZnF1h1tqtXiWZZd+gViDeHZr cmtre5elglill3ZluKfDoGd4l6WxuJpedJlrY6eLglinipiYtLrDrqavqV50g4mc38O9nNWvxKar s8asZ3t4XnSZi4W+eIZ3l3iBm6O5dmtytqiopb+XnN+4tVikdrmYtLm2pahraGmKtKOf18d2ZaKp uZynrHZrcrWcXnSDW2i0qKN/l3mVWHSMsquva2h/scWdWKSZiGyldolYd4qkoq+2oqKlvKmm28DG pt6nv5dne5NedIyLi454a3egeINno3aKaXV6hV55iVtwhXhtdqOKhGikeodmeXp2cIV3bWx3hWpp pYqFWKmJdnh0a4lpZ4doXnSDW2i0qKN/l3mVWHSMsquva2h/rsKol5eFl2iie4lkZ3uVgKe4qqu3 t5+ml4WBhtuzwZ+rqbqsta+jrrV4a3WXhZeIxJJ2aIZrg2m5p6ledIOYouTBf1ikeg==
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