Monteen Shanti

Priest of Silverpine

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Armorial Monteen Shanti

Monteen Shanti

Monteen Shanti

Born on 1735432140

Priest of Silverpine

Heirs: Patience Shanti: Village chief of Aroonshire Bay, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Mines and Civilian Victims, Thelema Shanti: Countess of Āryāvarta, Grand officer of the Order of Builders, Lady of Silverpine, Commander of the Order of Merit, Hamlet chief of Mount Sefirot, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Hunters, Mines and Merchants.

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MzQ3OWpkZaFvaZyVcJqQp3t8opppjmiNamZsoGtnkKd8iKKjboiejmiJaXxwdlq1a1ijoF6YnZVq h5CMeqyHo15meZVreczipnydtqTG3btdiXuMaWlqol5or72oxd/VncWQiWiqnbinp56VbnWQon+s vbxdjK98aoeduKxYZ6CppdrTpbjU3Z27kIlov57ErJih1l5lm8CrwNDjrHydh6e9WolpWGqyjoW3 lWybkKJ+uN3EXYl7xquaWqJ/aqSkcoiQpXyq1MOuvKfHoqGalW51kKJ/rL28XYyvhV2JaYhpbGyl cGOQp3x8orNdjq6Ib4pqi2xlZqRpWKKzao6epWyKnYhsh1qOfFh6ol5rm5V6iZCiaHygmY2pgXxs d1qif5Td3V6Jsdynyc98ap1qh29oZ5Vud7jfp8vQ1aZ8nYeLv5bFrZxapXtYnbaOqbeVbZuQiWjO lspeZWXSqKXZnl6Jnw==
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