Eliodoro Melanthe

Village chief of Historicusland, Officer of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Valdeplata, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

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Armorial Eliodoro Melanthe

Eliodoro Melanthe

Eliodoro Melanthe

Born on 1735459110

Village chief of Historicusland, Officer of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Valdeplata, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

Heirs: Melanthe Melanthe: Village chief of Trasobares, Officer of the Order of Merit, Cartographers and Agriculture Merit, Hamlet chief of Gredal, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Builders, Mines and Merchants, Eleuteria Melanthe: Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Village chief of Tres Obares, Officer of the Order of Merit, Hamlet chief of Salina, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Rulers, Denar, Mines and Merchants, Member of the Warthog Hunters Society, Vitalia Melanthe: Grand officer of the Order of Cartographers, Lady of Nueva Trasobares, Commander of the Order of Merit and Agriculture Merit, Officer of the Order of Merchants, Hamlet chief of Trium Obantium, Valdemelones and Don Peron, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Denar, War Cross, Mines and Military Wounded, Member of the Draft Horse Breeders Society, Bonifacio Melanthe: Hamlet chief of Tergakom, Knight of the Order of Merit, Cartographers, Mines and Merchants.


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