Ragnild Summershore

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Armorial Ragnild Summershore

Ragnild Summershore

Ragnild Summershore

Born on 1740520977

Heirs: Darius Summershore: Grand cross of the Order of Merit, Priest of Summershoreland, Village chief of Summershoreland, Officer of the Order of Blessed and Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Ironshoreland, Knight of the Order of Denar, Winifred Summershore: Hamlet chief of Rivershoreland and Elseshoreland, Knight of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Darnell Summershore: Grand officer of the Order of Merit, Hamlet chief of Midshoreland and Pineshoreland, Knight of the Order of Blessed and Cartographers, Edward Summershore: Officer of the Order of Cartographers.

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