Lucrecia Mancofuerte

Village chief of En Land, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Merit

Armorial Lucrecia Mancofuerte

Lucrecia Mancofuerte

Lucrecia Mancofuerte

Born on 1741664795

Village chief of En Land, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Merit

Heirs: Leftraro Mancofuerte: Hamlet chief of Sexta Aventura, Knight of the Order of Denar and Mines, Victoriano Mancofuerte: Hamlet chief of Noclare, Knight of the Order of Cartographers.

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MjQ0OKRlmmimbINcqpR3bnd2ia9liJudqWqbbqxpd262golrZYeIoWWBm5Gqd4x8pVmKZ5iShFxm gXehdqa5uJhnq1ylerOp4HaEfaDAxNBZg62hpWSbcJhploPotMScl7qzkWaBtM3hl9ad6JnEq9h2 h3lZg5jBhp2MobdZmWfqlcVcpYG0pqa/gJFkkoyxpVmfZ5h1hFylgXdsdqakuFmEq5Glesip4FmE fd/AxJtZg5ihZoGbpZhpq4Pol8Sc1rqzXGaBn82itNbS6JnZq9hZh3mYg5iMhp13oXh2mZzbldpc pWTCqeK0vpidvrfQWYOX1Nim2pzfmndpo6e7o6CyudFZg5fP253MnZhmgqbZdoRnWYaUwYadjJ+3 WZl91Ka/XKWXwambdoSya4mgnqxZnHu4ondpo52zpZh2h65Zg63BxYCMbLdid2mn