Armorial Order of the Military Wounded |
Order of the Military Wounded
Founded on 1618643060
County of Zaïbacher, Ursalia
The Order of the Military Wounded distinguishes the lords whose troops received the most wounds in combat. The death of a unit does not earn additional points.
Important Characters: Mathilde Fairfax: Grand mistress of the Order.
In the same territory: Town of Talmont, Union of Pitsawyers.
Trade route with: Marais-Sur-Mer, Ecthelion.
Quality label: Cast iron, since: 1731447510.
Sphere: honorary |
Members |
Mathilde Fairfax |
Garréjade Augis |
Agnessa Sol |
Zelda Steiner |
Elisa Havoc |
Hillard Havoc |
Elrikon Ar Gwizieg Augis |
Leon Demustiere |
Katerina Bergman |
Tytos “Shadow Emperor” |
Maya Mcblaye |
Yusuf “Saladino” |
Marusya Adamant |
Aegon “Pasha Pook” |
Tristan Idmark |
Anita Jade Flower |
Albuson Argouges |
Deborah Blackmont |
Hazel “The Kast Slayer” |
Cast iron |