Rodion Ahtopic, aka Rodion “Bureevar”

Officer of the Order of Ancients, Superior of The-Lost-Conscience, Card-In-The-Hand, Flint-And-Steel and Untold-Tales, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Feather of Pushkin

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Armorial Foundation of Flint-And-Steel

Foundation of Flint-And-Steel

Foundation of Flint-And-Steel

Founded on 1703501642

Area: 884 acres (1.4 mi²).

Important Characters: Rodion “Bureevar”: Superior.

Heirs: Guruexe “Deposed”: Officer of the Order of Ancients, Htopzes “Second”: Grand master of the Order of Merit, High priest of Pro Zak, Grand cross of the Order of Builders, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Believers, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Feather of Pushkin, Noah “Buck”: Lord mayor of Agmaren, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Builders, Elder of the brotherhood of Rains in a February, Knight of the Order of Merit and Merchants, Member of the Union of Roofers, Painters and Stonemasons, Baarsik “Pechka”: Grand master of the brotherhood of Rains in a February, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Ancients.

Locate on the Map

Foundation of Flint-And-Steel


Sphere: territorial and spiritual
Vassal of the Order of Knights of Saint Lawrence

Order of the Knights of Saint Lawrence - Stanislava “Scribe”
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