Clymene de Harcourt, aka Clymene “Fille de Shelby”

Grand officer of the Order of Civilian Victims, Priestess of Ussy and Bruyere, Village chief of Ussy and Bruyere, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Hunters, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Mines and Military Wounded

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Armorial Parish of Ussy

Parish of Ussy

Parish of Ussy

Founded on 1710728404
Patriarchate of Feizerpont, Mantolas

Population: 758 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Clymene “Fille de Shelby”: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Ussy.

Trade route with: Stonehands, Aout, Bruyere.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Ussy


Sphere: spiritual
Vassal of the parish of Aout
Housing capacity for 2215 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

Parish of Aout - Winfield Esco “Le Deuxieme”
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