Adèle Desarmes

President of the Horologists Society, Vicar of Riz Koré, Mayoress of Delta, Dean of Delta, Priestess of Luna Cloud and Desarmesland, Village chief of Desarmesland, Officer of the Order of Believers, Rulers and Builders, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Merit, Denar and Merchants, Member of the Union of Founders and Musicians, Member of the Music Publishers Society

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Armorial Horologists Society

Horologists Society

Horologists Society

Founded on 1715160473

Important Characters: Adèle Desarmes: President of the society, Thalia Mcblaye: Associate, Gorn Rhobar: Associate, Aligi Aretino: Associate, Patricia Desarmes: Associate, Victoria Blenheim: Associate, Reimer Swyn: Associate, Lucile Ribana: Associate.

In the same territory: Village of Dyr.

Trade route with: .

Quality label: Limestone, since: 1715425103.

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Horologists Society


Sphere: commercial
Housing capacity for 2485 inhabitants (minimum: 1000)

ODQ2OWWliW9lqq1ca5qdbpx8r7mKjoSqZKmFa2WtnW53iK9qjYesqo2IiZtruHZ8ZpqwZ1mYqlyL h52rm6yjwlmolVxmu9mpoXyqfcXG6tp+iZeobK6Ib1mqvHiZyeGlvbidqImatuSY57ajqePdXGmZ nWmfrMrCfoyVm2aluZinmqpnprzroMDF3dp+iYHemed2aWTp4augvJ1picbem4uHoeiZ6LqbmePs XGaH551+iajqwbx2qGTowJqd2uywWYmopr98qqbNv7abZqV2bHbKyoNZirxci53Z6MZ8g7yj57hc ZruvaGSNsVyOm8Dly8a95ZvexKunmq15WYm+jKujnaudhXaoaK6JbWaqsVxrmp1unHyvuYqOgq1p pohwZaidbneIr2iQjKmtkoiEm2u4dnxmmrBnWZiqXIuHzN6+fIOmWaqTjIbBnWp4fKp9usnlm4ud wOibmoN9a6aobW18rXuhxurlxca436fpxFxpt51peqzKg36MvJuLh6Tll962q62aqmecuOtci4fl 5c+8tZtmpcWmWaeoq5y8nWmJu+fjusC/m2alwJ1Zp6h7rcmmXIuL
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