Isa Sælene Sæbástur Æwolf

President of the Union of Saddlers, President of the Wheelmakers Society, Grand mistress of the guild of Aegir, Grand officer of the Order of Merchants, Vicar of Gniezno, Mayoress of Novum Ostium Ursi, Commander of the Order of Believers and Denar, Priestess of Novum Ostium Ursi, Officer of the Order of Rulers and Builders, Hamlet chief of Sæbásturland, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Merit and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Weavers, Wheelwrights and Spinners, Member of the Saddle Makers and Breweries Society

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Armorial Wheelmakers Society

Wheelmakers Society

Wheelmakers Society

Founded on 1715160482

Important Characters: Isa Sælene Sæbástur Æwolf: President of the society, Shaé “L Ange Noir”: Associate, Kël “L Ours Aux Yeux Bleu”: Associate, Achaja Vilaris: Associate, Freldís “Forseti Norðursins”: Associate, Zelda Steiner: Associate, Gilda Wrzosek: Associate, Croesus Kliv: Associate.

Wheelmakers Society

22 952.98

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Housing capacity for 0 inhabitants (minimum: 1000)

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