Esteban Cruz

Grand officer of the Order of Mines, Commander of the Order of Blessed and Denar, Village chief of Grandes Cipreces, San Vicente and Costa Azul, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Cruzland, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Cartographers, Member of the Hazel Copses, Oak Forests and Maple Forests Society, Member of the Union of Salt Farmers

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Armorial Hamlet of Cruzland

Hamlet of Cruzland

Hamlet of Cruzland

Founded on 1717909869

Area: 869 acres (1.4 mi²).

Population: 52 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Esteban Cruz: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Cruz.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Cruzland

54 267.36

Sphere: territorial
Vassal of the town of Ocampo

Kingdom of Amethyn - Malikos “El Brujo”
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