Agapit von Taborissky Novyh, aka Agapit “Coalburner”

Bishop and Vicar of Turov, Vicar of Częstochowa, Priest of Bielaya Chud, Officer of the Order of Believers and Hunters, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders and Military Wounded

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Armorial Parish of Bielaya Chud

Parish of Bielaya Chud

Parish of Bielaya Chud

Founded on 1718871681
Sovereign Order of the Knights of Kinross, Bermuda

Population: 834 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Agapit “Coalburner”: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Bielaya Chud.

Trade route with: Octopus's Garden.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Bielaya Chud


Sphere: spiritual
Vassal of the bishopric of Turov
Housing capacity for 820 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

Patriarchate of Częstochowa - Bogumiła “The Servant of God”
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