Murtagh Kipler, aka Murtagh “The Righteous”

Viscount of Lions Gate, Grand officer of the Order of Ancients, Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Priest of Middlebury, Tapir and Lions Gate, Village chief of Tapir, Officer of the Order of Denar, Mines and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Believers, Rulers, Blessed, Hunters, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Civilian Victims

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Armorial Parish of Lions Gate

Parish of Lions Gate

Parish of Lions Gate

Founded on 1719714019
Marquisate of Locrias, Bermuda

Population: 656 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Murtagh “The Righteous”: Priest.

In the same territory: Viscounty of Lions Gate.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Lions Gate

1 263.42

Sphere: spiritual
Vassal of the parish of Middlebury
Housing capacity for 915 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

Parish of Middlebury - Murtagh “The Righteous”
MjY1MHp4pGd/e59cgLyTbniepbpmsKWwgHmoZ3qBk26MqqVobrCfq2Wyp5yAi5l8e22mZ266oFxn qZOsd87Gw257uFx7js+ptp6gfaHo4Ntaq7qogXioXH6Mu6y77c+enZ6gp1q+ppyBeJlwjJzWnG6r nome4Nbrmujp6m6NplyBeJNwjZ6gZ1qusJxnv8nJlW2pe256np+q7JNpZeng5pjl1eC2rdhce3jW oLbs06ObnqCnhevd3Ly8mWl5t9Rce6mTbHfOwMNarLice47VqbZtoH2469VcZ7+lqW6tp5x+jMCg uLbhXHuptZip3pOsd56mvZ6awFx+jJxcebqTfGeepqdauqace3jIn65toGe52uCgqOGTqWXo2px7 eJlsi53Ag26sslxnv8/pop6mvbi621x7jqVpgq2hXGq9uuCk5+ece3i7mL2tk2yLnqB9isu6nGq9 mal5sNWqbnqema7c3aSanqCnlp6mp7+p56qqtJNpeejUXGep4t+anqanuanmoLywk2l56NRcZ6mT rHfOxsNue7hce47PqbaeoH2k69WcZ7+rp3t4rVx+jLugrd3anJfu4PBarrace47JiZVto3t3nqBr
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