Columbus Fairfax

Count of Fairfax, Grand cross of the Order of Denar, Viscount of West Marche, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Builders, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Merit, Military Valour and Military Wounded, Member of the Ebony Forests and Pitch Producers Society

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Armorial County of Fairfax

County of Fairfax

County of Fairfax

Founded on 1724928222
County of Fairfax, Terra Borealis

Area: 39,651 acres (62 mi²) in all, including 2,468 acres (3.9 mi²) in the domain.

Population: 28,146 inhabitants in all, including 6,798 inhabitants in the domain.

Important Characters: Columbus Fairfax: Count.

Heirs: James Fairfax: Doge of Port Royal, Grand cross of the Order of Merchants, President of the Vodka Distilleries Society, President of the Union of Distillers, Grand officer of the Order of Builders, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Hunters, Military Valour, Civilian Victims and Military Wounded, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Merit, Denar and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and War Cross, Member of the Horticulturists, Chair Manufacturers and Perfumeries Society, Member of the Union of Gardeners, Glassmakers and Founders, Mathilde Fairfax: Grand cross of the Order of Merchants and Military Wounded, President of the Rum Distilleries Society, Grand officer of the Order of Builders, Hunters and Denar, Mayoress of New River, Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Village chief of River Run, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Blessed, Merit and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, War Cross, Mines and Civilian Victims, Member of the Whisky Distilleries, Charcoal Producers and Birch Forests Society, Member of the Union of Charcoal Workers, Gerald Fairfax: Grand cross of the Order of Agriculture Merit, President of the Juniper Forests Society, Grand officer of the Order of Blessed, Hunters, Denar and Military Valour, Vicar of Zuiho, Commander of the Order of Believers, Builders, Merchants, Civilian Victims and Military Wounded, Priest of Port Royal, Village chief of Montego Bay, Kingston and Discovery Bay, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers, Merit, War Cross and Mines, Member of the Gnu Hunters, Tin Mines and Sheep Meat Society, Member of the Union of Coopers, Fruit Growers and Tanners, Hugh “Prester John”: Grand officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Commander of the Order of Builders, Hunters, Denar, Merchants and Military Wounded, Village chief of Meadowland, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Blessed, Cartographers, Mines and Civilian Victims, Hamlet chief of Maple Grove, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers and Merit, Member of the Rosewood Forests, Teak Forests and Mahogany Forests Society.

In the same territory: Town of New River.

Trade route with: Azyr, Lycaonis, Mediolanum, Meadowland, River Run, West Marche, Maple Grove.

Quality label: Steel, since: 1726352922.

Locate on the Map

County of Fairfax

633 126.96

Sphere: temporal
Vassal of the duchy of Ecclésia
Capital: New River

Duchy of Ecclésia - Ectélion Valandil
NTc2MmViaKhkY5aVa5aKp6t4nKuZimeeZGhnp2dmiqd3hJyinoObmp+GaY1rdVq1ZledoFmUl5Wa g7nQzXhnmKChp9Snms7gWYWV3854l5iNiHe9hn5ao3hXl7aVxdKVmpnU2s94Z65rZWynZVeatIDM ydnJeJqqjYV7vYZ+WqV4V5egnLTYlZqDx83LwqLNWWRl0VlkleaVxtjR1HiXmNe5Wppkpp3VWWSV 06PI0+TheJeY17lammRXarKJhLGVZ5eKoq6019WNhXvXpplaonppmqBsi4qlrJnG0dq5luBZZ3eV Zni6woB4mrSWeJecmYNommtiapVrdYqnd3ics5mKl52ZhWiYaWtap3djnKJphJejmYOYjZ+WWq1m V22gWXOXlWaDudjNeJeYzLyo3KabmORZZJXfmniXoI2Ip726n1qbeFdntpWk0pVmmdTiz3iXrp+I ZaBsV2q0epPO4pq03ZWdlYqarqiHtFlneZVmYs3Rp3iXoMq4yNfVuFqaZJNaomSoxuOntNGVmoPU zo2FZdycl1qiZJba05zMiqKYwsuNmoNanXaHh7xZZamVZpnG4tV4l67XxZyNZnhspWRqmZVpl6rT y7+Kq5t4dqGnm5aVaXSKonqot7yNiKmWjYN2jXlkWqhkV6aiWYWVxNC4ipqYt57bqKSe06hXl6Cj uYqimJnG0dq5luBZZGXZp1eXoKLC3JWag9nQzXhnmJehqt6oq4qiZMLLlZqDip2qqIe0WWV5lWZ4 xuKheJe218XMjZqZbJ1kam2VaXar0Z3Fy9HgeJqqjYV7vYZ+WqV4YIqiaISVo5mGmqCNiniNa3Va p3djnKJojJeomoWXjZ+WZp9mZm6ibWSZpVmKqJWthYqgmHh2mllkZZVpdLrCgHiYtI2Fq8nawFqa ep6k4phXl7Zog5uimXiarKvCod2hlKrjWWSVtpW819bJy4qdqnhnromEgZVpdoqiZLvG442Fldja wpjUlZui1ZhXl6CcvNLjzb/LjZqDfNeql6feo6SKomTCy5Wag9nQzXhnmJibqOSmm8jkWYWV3854 l5iNiHe9hn5ao3hXl7aVxdKVmpnU2s94Z65rZ2WobFeatIK43JWag7fR3rinjWl0WqJ6h7e8WYip no2Dpo2thVqgZFd2ollklcScuIqimMfU39Z4Z5ijmFqiZFeasomlsZWbl4qarrSn1Vlke9+mmYqi eoqXo5uFip2soZrfWWRlwp2oyuJZiKeVmpm6urR4aqxZZGXYlaWKomS1ytPXwMqNmoOWjWZiq9Gn pcbcWYWV3854l5jcu5qNZmKZ2aem19mXx4qimMLLjZqDWp12h4e8WWWplWaZxuLVeJeu18WcjWZ4 bKVkap2VaZez1d94l5i6vKvNpldqsllkq8WGn4qlrIGKmKl4eppZamWVdWSKomSnzdWNhZXc18qj jWZipNZZZJWVaZW6wrR4mKyNhXvJpp9aonqh19dZhaunmoeXoY2IebWZk5nfq57G3ph4mrKNhau9 up9anXhXZ6Cck9iVZoPH1cvC0s2NhWXJWWRl5pWl2NGgeJeg17mKmpjHnc1ZZGXUnaXZ4p222ZWa g9TOjYVljWl0isKAV5i0WYWr0drAipquwqfPWWR7p2linahZiKm+zcqKmpilnt6ZpFqldleXtoml sZWdl5ONmJRarWZXbaBZc5eVZoO52M14l5jUwqfMp5qe4Flkld+aeJegjYinvbqfWpt4V2e2laTS lWaZ1OLPeJeun4VqoGpXarSLl9jkWYWVvcnFyNDNeGqqWWR7xYZ+iqV4eJeg0LTYjZqDl82XoaLV WWSV0VmFlebJxtjJ1HhnmKOYWqJkps3VWYWV1NHG2drRtqmNZmKk1llklZVplbrCtHiYrI2Fe8mm n1qieqHX11mFq6edg52gjYh5tpmpWqJkhM7mmcWKpap4l669pYGNaXZjlWRzirVmeJ2gjZSXjZqD idCZV2egmJvY5Ka8yOSNhZXXznhnmFlnd8WGfoqjeHiXtsnF0o2amaTam1dntmtnlahseJq0trjc jZqDh9Gql6eVaXSKonqot7yNiKmNmoOdyadXZ6CXmsbem7jJlZqDztzbeGeYlp6W6qOgiqJqeJej nYuKm6p4Z5hZZ3e5WWepsaa6yt7ceJeejYVonGhXaLJZZJXRWYWV09rC2NuNhWW7lZSh1Vlnp5Vm ma6VnZeTjZqDe9emn5riWWSV0qC039/WeJeY37SojWZoWqJnZ52VZ5WKoph4mqqxeGqsg6RaompX l6Noh4qjqniXmMl4Z5iXpKTjp1eXoIe0x9zNeJqqjYV7sVlneZ5ZYqaVeYWKqJh4ppqNhWW8nJda omSWzuOoxc7T3HiXmNe5WppkgJrnWWSVwp3JyuKNhZXR23hnmKKhrJVmYtDeo8rTlZqDxtuNhWWN aXSKwoBXmLRZhavR2sCKmq7Cp89ZZHunaWKdqFmIqbbJvNfOyctanXZXZ7aJhLGVaZeTlZqH
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