Armorial Episcopal city of Ekmhul |
Episcopal city of Ekmhul
Capital of the patriarchate of Ekmhul
Founded on 1724946536
Patriarchate of Ekmhul, Terra Borealis
Area: 15,639 acres (24.4 mi²) in all, including 3,309 acres (5.2 mi²) in the domain.
Population: 10,614 inhabitants in all, including 7,754 inhabitants in the domain.
Important Characters: Yuki Elidir: Lady mayoress.
Legitimate family: Elidir.
In the same territory: Patriarchate of Ekmhul.
Trade route with: Durenval.
Sphere: territorial |
Members |
Yuki Elidir |
- Patriarchate of Ekmhul - Dom Placide Elidir
- Archbishopric of Riverbend - Alpine Xiist
- Archbishopric of Riz Koré - Patricia Desarmes
- Abbey of Ile Syllrion - Zuko Stonehelm
- Episcopal city of Ekmhul - Yuki Elidir
- Village of Hougoumont - Jarvan Elidir
- Village of Durenval - Thrāin Stonehelm
- Lordship of Montpégase - Ansoald Stonehelm
- Episcopal town of Eskar - Thrāin Stonehelm
- Primacy of Nouvelle Garlande - Charles “Le Bâtisseur”
- Order of Chientreux - Desdemona Ribana
- Archbishopric of Nouvelle Zomeauville - Siddhārtha “Le Bienheureux”
- Archbishopric of Puerto Bellota - Edmond “The Holy Father”
- County of Aquilon - Kim Rok Soo “Deadly Tanya”
- Town of Holy Ōsaka - Tanya “Deadly Tanya”
- Deanery of Shameheim - Hobo Tallheron
- Parish of Fort Airain - Edmond “The Holy Father”
Bricklayers |
Diggers |
Armourers |
Architects |
Ladies of pleasure |
Carpenters |
Brickmakers |
Roofers |
Sculptors |
Cabinetmakers |
Painters |
Founders |
Residential area |
Crossing |
North-south street |
Forge |
Northwest-southeast street |
East-west street |
South fork |
East-west bridge |
West arcades with passageway |
Southeast fork |
North-south bridge |
North-southwest street |
Northwest fork |
Brickyard |
West-northeast street |
Southwest fork |
Tower |
Northeast fork |
North fork |
Bronze |
Saddle horses |
Cannons |
Bricks |
Chairs |
Clay |
Paintings |
Mail shirts |
Chainmail hauberks |
Lead |
Coffins |
Ropes |
Peat |
Spears |
Tiles |
Beds |
Great helms |
Ladders |
Saddles |