Salima Loiselle

Grand officer of the Order of Mines, Commander of the Order of Merit, Priestess of Denbas and Denhaut, Village chief of Denbas and Denhaut, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Builders and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Believers and Cartographers

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Armorial Parish of Denhaut

Parish of Denhaut

Parish of Denhaut

Founded on 1725229725
County of Karetitsa, Archbishopric of Puerto Bellota, Terra Borealis

Population: 661 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Salima Loiselle: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Denhaut.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Denhaut


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 820 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NDE3OZudZHWcpZBnobN9eXyVj5lqp2OLnJ9qeZyifXmtoY90bqKKj3CiZnuhsFaHnJKQco+ximdr oH2Le8WDoo+gdWecs7m015WKiKXfyrpeoneKn6ZheY+inJXL3MGvmpWKhoXfmsnP2Z2nj6KaZ5y2 rZSFlY2aXqJhvsvgVnSa3cqxzdy5q6bVvHtroJm73OCWrtCSinK64sGnrOS9yayVY4bZ01Z0mpKN hL/CpGdstH2If9Gjw4+fd7Hc1H10sKeNdGmnfYt9tJbE0s6mto+immectq2UhZWNmmeVY4o=
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