Antigonus Malastar

Grand cross of the Order of Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Malastarland, Knight of the Order of War Cross, Mines and Military Wounded

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Armorial Hamlet of Malastarland

Hamlet of Malastarland

Hamlet of Malastarland

Founded on 1727024998

Area: 1,121 acres (1.8 mi²).

Population: 145 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Antigonus Malastar: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Malastar.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Malastarland

3 632.72

Sphere: territorial

MTM3N4iXeISQl211jpdZh3Z5a61ki3ahh5l4iZCfWYeahWuCaoRmnmyNfI+OqmmViYxsgHyVZnVl hFmfdamWtnyaiHWJrZXCxHlmlp/Dps5Yhoqejp98gHyceJHFyJ23osKp3ViGdLe406XDy8imdYyW WYJ5qYa2WImIj4mXrLHKjGaAx8ajs5+1ndeYuGmch8+tvcrMoLZ8hmSYlMGgz6d5dpq6z621vYxm gMa6WYJjeWmsiKaQj4qraYKdyKa9fIZ6v6W7WZx5i3mij5xphZu0lby4x6ixpcCV2Jd5eax8mYql qbNZhZuCWYJn
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