Thérèse Melchir

Priestess of Aubapaís, Village chief of Aubapaís, Officer of the Order of Mines, Knight of the Order of Ancients and Builders

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Armorial Parish of Aubapaís

Parish of Aubapaís

Parish of Aubapaís

Founded on 1728567707
County of Fairfax, Terra Borealis

Population: 772 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Thérèse Melchir: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Aubapaís.

Trade route with: Harven.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Aubapaís


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1340 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MTMzM5ZmfY2ea3p9nHZsj4ZYfpF0anqGmmx/j5VtbI+oZH6Ke2h9hXpjf3OceW2dl1t/iIp0eX11 Y2yDhYiamoppjH2XfKjK0lh5nq+iubJoZY6CnWh8jopri6zNWIqLaHSAwGh2e3Ombru9imh3pcqf qsCspWyDhVh6lLqIlH2aemyKlZuoy2hld761oqu6xp+1vclbeYjNmLnLqJ+tc3VjmMDOm7vMyqm6 fZdjtr5oZXdzeHWdoLFbe5yKaI2516BsiomiubVoZY6Fm218jIpri5nalajIpFiKgWh0jMGKa4p9 l3ycqrFYfJxxWHmC
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