Isabella Vasquez, aka Isabella “La Hierrosa”

President of the Beef Meat Society, President of the Union of Sailmakers, Grand officer of the Order of Merchants, Mayoress of Estanquito, Mistress of the guild of Fuse Harbor, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Merit, Agriculture Merit and Military Wounded, Member of the Lutemakers, Saddle Makers and Cider Producers Society, Member of the Union of Butchers and Chandlers

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Armorial Union of Sailmakers

Union of Sailmakers

Union of Sailmakers

Founded on 1729147239

Important Characters: Isabella “La Hierrosa”: President of the trade union, Herschel Rayiea: Trade unionist, Trafalgar Cadmus: Trade unionist, Celeste Labarre: Trade unionist, Alix “La Lionne”: Trade unionist, Isabella “Izzy”: Trade unionist, Gumersindo “El Campesino”: Trade unionist, Turner “Dragonslayer”: Trade unionist.

Union of Sailmakers


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