Matifas Verschaeren, aka Matifas “La Salamandre”

Vicar of Coltainville, Dean of Ústí Nad Labem, Priest of Sucy-Le-Marais and Port-Serene, Officer of the Order of Believers, Knight of the Order of Merit

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Armorial Parish of Port-Serene

Parish of Port-Serene

Parish of Port-Serene

Founded on 1731864738
County of Courtaine, Terra Borealis

Population: 11,675 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Matifas “La Salamandre”: Priest.

In the same territory: County of Courtaine, Town of Port-Serene.

Trade route with: Ústí Nad Labem.

Quality label: Hammers, since: 1729956662.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Port-Serene

1 300.06

Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 19761 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

ODYyNnpgh2x6ZJlagK2MbHWPnodjoYN1gWaEbHxojGyMm55oY6KdeGmdiGmAc3V6e1WfZW6rmVpk mox5dL+ikG5jlFp7dsinto+Ze57Z2ahXnJZ4gWSDa25lq4Kq3tCbk92MdmKPlXZuaIBagnOzlm6c l4iT1sixk9i0tq5VlWduaJdagq6MZ2KPnIZXnJaZm3x1ao1VmWWxy9paZJrXtqHNvKWynbWZbmKX nbLX2pqe0Ix2YrrCra6jxFp7YNabbpyXWmesvJZ+j4OIbmKWlrudjGeP2dmcV5yte2mihXxuZZSF uKLbYpzP2Zqgz4x5dI+Cip6CnFp+dJVae54=
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