Ivan Kapustin

Prince of Kriviya, Mayor of Zhmud, Commander of the Order of Rulers, Priest of Zhmud, Officer of the Order of Merit, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Believers, Builders, Hunters, Cartographers, Denar, War Cross, Military Wounded and Civilian Victims, Member of the Union of Ladies of Pleasure

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Armorial Parish of Zhmud

Parish of Zhmud

Parish of Zhmud

Founded on 1733073748
Principality of Kriviya, Ancoria

Population: 6,032 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Ivan Kapustin: Priest.

In the same territory: Principality of Kriviya, Town of Zhmud.

Trade route with: Azyr, Lycaonis.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Zhmud


Sphere: spiritual
Vassal of the great temple of Qallash
Housing capacity for 13576 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

Great temple of Qallash - Stanislav Navratil
MjQ1N3+bjKSCnp+WhbaOqHeYoHNlqodjfqKHqIKjjqiRpKCkZ6OgY2ymjVWFrnm2gJChoXO0m5Zm o45ldsimfHOemJaAscrju5ibt6Di25RZpZpkhpyJoXOgrbrE1NeWZqO0kaTox6S32XmmkJCbt6PF tZZpt45iZNu1o3OdhOHA2szdr9zW1piYm2Cc3MGjs9e6loCbueO32NzlWaWZn5qYhmBzoJbGoLeO pJKYm7eV5dZVZrnDorWQhreFo5qqg5ietY7b1qWYmIlyc52axqC3jqaSoY6hdZiuYlmrhFWPnXmj fr/R1nOlmeGV5dKjnJiGYL3ReaN+kJ6zo8W1lme3jmJ61Madc52a4MDSjqOUqqGibaiOZXjNvJ3D z3mmkJCbt6PFtZZpt45iZNu1o3OdhNOzztjes5iboZWYm2Cq1Mejr9d5o37az5aAo93ZmZibYJvl uZHCkIahwtDW4brYjqNk4s9VZqN5ZZDApr1znq2WgLnK46GYm3aj5btVgLGLqX+im5aDt7rSoN/K o5yYiXJznZrGoLeOppKhjqNo
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