Micha Dragg

Commander of the Order of Merit, Priest of Draggland, Village chief of Draggland, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Olive Groves Society

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Armorial Parish of Draggland

Parish of Draggland

Parish of Draggland

Founded on 1734108925
Emirate of Al-Andalus, Ancoria

Population: 1,931 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Micha Dragg: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Draggland.

Trade route with: Plaissy, Draggland.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Draggland


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 2655 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

OTIxMmqIb2pxkI1XcLh8abGajnefrGpoaohva2uNfGl8po5loqaHbKenbFlwm1x3a32PYl62iVeg pXxpsMqJgF6Le1drnrikppqJeNrkyZiTp31oco9sZF6Nm3+i2L+Tk6eHeODWnptejXlXa56shIWa jHaTp4ecz+hcZmnIqaGcxLibptq7V6Clv53b6Jygn31pYonKwJes6XxknuS9WaClXGl7rYl+Xoub V2u7uKTbmol63eeeWWuebmpti4hXbrmbpM/cvqDP45tZbppcZH+tqX5eqptgk6eL
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