Caelan Hirteln Dracontis, aka Caelan “The Flameborne”

Mayor of Insula Draconis, Priest of Insula Draconis, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hamlet chief of Lazrath Hollow, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Cartographers, Denar and Merchants

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Armorial Parish of Insula Draconis

Parish of Insula Draconis

Parish of Insula Draconis

Founded on 1735379607
Insula Draconis

Population: 2,387 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Caelan “The Flameborne”: Priest.

In the same territory: Town of Insula Draconis.

Trade route with: Serenth Vale.

Quality label: Bricks, since: 1735430479.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Insula Draconis


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 3645 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

ODQzMmFkkIVhbYBzZ6l0hXuLhnVpnYpnY2uQhGBrdIVzl4aBbZmGa26Wjldnd3yTYlmHflWngXNq lnRnerupflVnm3NierDAnYuBlKTVwZZdmJ1laGqPhFVpk5GRy7uvpouBYl2riVdoZHyHc4i3s1WY f5Skx7yXmtXJoJVZnIBVbH9zaap0gGiLhHRdmJ2HgoB8g3RZgX6Yx8Jzapa/pKfJw5OZobyyVWZ/ tpnTwrOkzHRkaLbJm5Wny3NiZL60VZh/c22opISEi4p2VWadr6KhdIB21cG1XZiVaXGWkGtVaZuX nqfEupGLgX582LCVp9TApVVpmXNieqSgfIuEkmaLgWY=
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