Dariâ Themel

Prioress of Mont Mármaros, Superior of Themelland, Knight of the Order of Merit, Mines and Agriculture Merit

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Armorial Foundation of Themelland

Foundation of Themelland

Foundation of Themelland

Founded on 1735746886
County of Nouvelle Zomeauville, Archbishopric of Nouvelle Zomeauville, Terra Borealis

Area: 365 acres (0.6 mi²).

Important Characters: Dariâ Themel: Superior.

Heirs: Emna Themel: Grand officer of the Order of Merit, Mistress of the guild of Bangossian, Village chief of Our, Kasíteros and Anzukoban, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Builders, Denar, Mines and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Rulers and Cartographers, Member of the Tin Mines and Larch Forests Society, Jahandar “Guapico Pelo”: Prior of Canemtusis, Mayor of Baie-De-Merx, Officer of the Order of Merit and Agriculture Merit, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Denar, Mines and Merchants, Ashæ “Pôhm”: President of the Ebony Forests Society, Village chief of Cap Hibnj, Officer of the Order of Merit and Mines, Hamlet chief of Pointe-Au-Wanu and Linon-Sur-Merx, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Cartographers, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Member of the Tea Plantations and Sand Pits Society, Siddhārtha “Le Bienheureux”: Archbishop and Vicar of Nouvelle Zomeauville, Cardinal, Grand cross of the Order of Merit, Priest of Kasíteros and Anzukoban, Officer of the Order of Believers and Builders, Knight of the Order of Blessed and Denar.

Locate on the Map

Foundation of Themelland


Sphere: territorial and spiritual
Vassal of the Order of Chientreux

City State of Holy Ōsaka - Josephine “The Witch”
MzcxNamhhGGppqNWr4mWaLdrqJqlfYeMsKaFaqqmlmi7d6hkqX6niK14inyvs3l2qpWpYZ2Ho1am dsW/2WuGh+jivaDq6ZZjqLXXVqZ2xb/Zs7nD5NHClZ2ioZrra6Nh4rXofKZ2yL/dlYZh3t/mn9yn 5ZrjtJaJpLW6fKqgeWa6xcN9nXm1VqaM0snha4ad5+K7Vqq2qGqqf6pWqYrFv9mzucPk0cKVnaWz VqqMxoPAa6abomuGi6mhhGGppKZWr4mWaLdrqJqlfYeMsKWNaaqnlmi7d6hkqX6nh6V2iXyvs3l2 qpWpYZ2Ho1amdsW/2WuGh97fyZ/c0eWa57SWY6S113ymdqi/3d25neTR35WdeKGa52ujh+K1y3yq oMiZ3ZWjYei42qDmv5aJpLW6fKqgeWa6xcN9nXm1VqaM0snha4ad5+K7Vqq2qGqqf6pWqYrFv9mz ucPk0cKVnaWzVqqMxoPAa6abomuEmJ21hlawoJZyqmujYciu1nymdsTJ4d/Gqp2ioaDea6NhmXuz rMaSeYq8lYZ32eLeVqqM4KPba6Odq3+GkLGViXXM2Nae3bLdkuKqloy2a4adzcKgVq20lmOortKk mXihudmpw8TdlYZh2ZWjYe6n5KTVspaJpLW6fKqgyJndlaNh2q/kmeO248DXa4aH59Z5Y6iVpnPN mL1Wp4qWibqnxsSdopqg6teWY759pmKleZaMuIi1xd/fx6SdpbNWqozGg8Brppuia4aLqaCNaqyg qFaviZZot2uomqV9h4yvpIppsKaWaLt3qGSpfaWNrH6KfK+zeXaqlalhnYejVqZ2loy2m6ajnaOY Vqq20qPla6N34LXju5l4mouxoohonaW1ddm42la3eZaYpmuGh8zYuZ7d3JZmumujd8mYvXypinmJ qNi1pJ2ioaHqtdSd1a/evNhrhofg1cak3dzXVqp2xKbkq+PA47h5iajfulaqoJZmupvDfZl5tXym jLXJ5ZWGd+fi2FaqjKhqpn+qfKmKqL/d3bmd5NHflZ17s1amjMapwGuJm6aVhmU=
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