Hannah Atrid

Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Priestess of Redfield, Village chief of Redfield, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Agriculture Merit, Mines, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Blessed, Hunters and Denar

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Armorial Parish of Redfield

Parish of Redfield

Parish of Redfield

Founded on 1736329665

Population: 363 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Hannah Atrid: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Redfield.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Redfield


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 605 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MDcyN5SSo3h+m2dtmrFXf7dubnRkiX2ClpOsfHyfXH+mn2l7qnxpammIf3GapJiLeI9veIivZG2m eVxmdaecmIiUt2t4sJi60JNkjuC4qZVYhJB+lJmjdmufe5DE3KCp3G5pYXTGvLXHhqiIa5x9nbW6 V324bmlhm7O9cZWR47i1zaOpzNuXrJl7Z5mYxL2xz8eYeHa6qbHI4aat57xcY2PBsHGVkZh7iL+J lIihdm2mj5ijoHd8ktLT2mt4sG6BmKZqbamNiZaXuLOxz8WYe4iPaY64wH5tqY1lVmWG
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