Lysara Hirteln Vedrellyn, aka Lysara “The Copperhand”

Priestess of Cupria Vale, Village chief of Cupria Vale, Officer of the Order of Agriculture Merit and Military Wounded, Hamlet chief of Saltodelperro, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Cartographers, War Cross, Mines and Merchants

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Armorial Parish of Cupria Vale

Parish of Cupria Vale

Parish of Cupria Vale

Founded on 1737294304
Insula Draconis

Population: 1,117 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Lysara “The Copperhand”: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Cupria Vale.

Trade route with: Serenth Vale.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Cupria Vale


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1815 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MTUyMqmHhHqojHhnr4lneXVreXNjfYdnqo+IdaiKZ3m7d3l1aXh7ZGV2iFWvmXmHqnt6cp2HdGdk dmdldJumfJ2JmGeqnKO05Wt0iJ61tJRXeJplqIeMcp2Lho7xuaO0k2t0YFeLhlWwhnl7u6qqp514 coWhtrKVpK61ntx7mXSdjnJnsYpndGJrd3JXeJqFyqJ5d7x7dHLgp7VnZHayoqGpwJHhw7mmnYhy qt24taeerGdiYpbGmd3JyKfryWd0qLWoZ2R2Z2V0m6Z8nYmYZ6qco7Tla3SIobipVWSMi2mxjIRn rZqFt+i4q6NXeHKGk7K5Va2YeXS+q5SOnXuGcFd4dg==
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