Facunda Ballesteros

Grand cross of the Order of Cartographers, Priestess of Ducado, Village chief of Pasto and Ducado, Officer of the Order of Merit, Hamlet chief of Oro, Knight of the Order of Denar, Mines, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

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Armorial Parish of Ducado

Parish of Ducado

Parish of Ducado

Founded on 1737546350

Population: 210 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Facunda Ballesteros: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Ducado.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Ducado

2 565.16

Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 610 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MzM5M6WapZunmqaHq6WVmXaHp6tkmaifqZ2rlamZlZm3k6eVapeknmaXpY2rrJqnpo6okpmjoodl kpWddbfHtJmcuYemr9HU4YeiqJ/R4sxYlLudpJ2tl5metKjVxeXQl8OVmmOk1tTgzujW2dvf1ZmX sodlqMW6f4eqrJmbpcrV3JWUpNLi0ZbO0dGgx9mNppndx+bc1c7ah6KSg9TZzabW2tvnjqeS48+V lKSHpaSItLyNZqaamrrK58+Zm7bR5smVlHmaoJhnmpqduK3qxdXN34eppJWUebfCtFiXuZaZm6k=
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