Edmee Woodbead

Elector de Black Star, Lady of Woodbeadland, Commander of the Order of Agriculture Merit, Priestess of Woodbeadland, Officer of the Order of Denar, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Believers, Builders and Merchants, Member of the Cow Breeders and Beef Meat Society

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Armorial Parish of Woodbeadland

Parish of Woodbeadland

Parish of Woodbeadland

Founded on 1737901129

Population: 2,349 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Edmee Woodbead: Priestess.

In the same territory: Lordship of Woodbeadland.

Trade route with: Dharkwood.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Woodbeadland

1 016.51

Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 4390 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NzMwNZmYiqOaoISXn454qXZwirBkgoykoZeKo5qgeKmrfIqlaoSDnmR9kpKfqn63moyLoo2MhZdl e3iidaCruY2anZearbTk1XCFuJ+6xdFYfZ+hoZ+Sqo2cl7fMuLjXWH2DxKK6vc/NyL2Xnal4pK6g pb5YgJeSZXvBztuMi6LY2cLV1Ky835iveJ9js77f28zF2I2Zg8LatLjlp7DG4Fh9idzOjIuijZyV x7qXeKV3cIWzlL3GkpqtyOTPjIW4oHuEqWtwiLGKusjRysy61tTIwdaNgJWXZZGov39wjrGWjIum
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