Victor Marcen

Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Priest of Heno, Village chief of Hierro and Heno, Hamlet chief of Marcen City, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Denar and Merchants

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Armorial Parish of Heno

Parish of Heno

Parish of Heno

Founded on 1738427869

Population: 559 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Victor Marcen: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Heno.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Heno


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 945 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MTk5N3tqaJ+DcHqRgalqo6iLfHSWnWppfmtupIByaqONl3yfnZp3aJ2ccFaBfFyxfF59nG+nd5GX lmpmp7uJfW9se5F8f6bet4t3stHVt5WKmH1mem9wo29uicKzybnb14t3YbLHqZSvp1yhjF53sp+4 kZGaqmpjlc6YpG9rZ9y8qKjYq8+y0cmLd2HNz6Skr6WdkXxpld6zy7jgiph1oMuLaWFvbnnBnIVq n46Ld7LG2LJWl6ymo7FeabKCaXigg4t6sK3Ls6CKm3lWfH+MvpZeerB4i3eg
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