Hannah Atrid

Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Priestess of Redfield and Brickyard, Village chief of Redfield and Brickyard, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Builders, Hunters, Denar and Civilian Victims

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Armorial Parish of Brickyard

Parish of Brickyard

Parish of Brickyard

Founded on 1739360822

Population: 378 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Hannah Atrid: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Brickyard.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Brickyard


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 620 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NzU5MHyklKF7q6qOgrqYoJycqniKrpZufqmToX2lmKCOqKqckqqpZZGplVqCtoiufZirmXC4pY6L p5hqm8y1gXCmp459udTbuJylr8Xm5Zl+qalnfKuTmXCot7Gs5eHKwZylZZrr1Z6vmJircKW5vp3D mJ6dnKVlwdjWWn2j09u61t/KtOTYzX6po52+6daat9mIm3vD5dKw6ufOzOqYZ4nmyVp9o4iejcjF tXCqt46LvdSnxpyVe7rlyo59uauZgLCsjo67tafC2s6urOXHjoC1mJuRzMW1fqy3Y36plw==
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