Avenira Headless, aka Avenira “Chief Smelter”

Priestess of Rebirth-Headless, Village chief of Lastrefuge and Nithivied Moonbeam, Officer of the Order of Denar and Mines, Knight of the Order of Believers, Builders, Hunters, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Member of the Spruce Forests Society

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Armorial Parish of Rebirth-Headless

Parish of Rebirth-Headless

Parish of Rebirth-Headless

Founded on 1739894901
Terra Borealis

Population: 10,843 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Avenira “Chief Smelter”: Priestess.

In the same territory: County of Re-Head, City of Rebirth-Headless.

Trade route with: Lastrefuge, Rocky Ridge, Headlessland.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Rebirth-Headless


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 24665 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MTMzNoWXmnaIn2Vqi3RYfLRWaruiaJuxjJ+cfoSXWHyXYmp4qmlsrKphmZ2LqY2KhotrdXlyZWqj YVits4a6xHmZrGqGrJS3wVZli92gpdyWY66thJiYfXmbd4bKlqGu45JYqqF5zdm40s24x4toh3lj eZrDfVittVaaqLzH22qGlqO3w5SfptqemNyWY5jgudjbqsDMWHeEgaWu1qSn3eSkjaqE1c5qhpZY epaGhZGWZHedo3fJ6sGLmovD2JpqhndrdaliY52mdbrdts/aubyTe6q1lZ+q5KRYrbNWmr6puLRq iaphaoZl
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