Atli Krodam, aka Atli “Asmodeo”

Grand officer of the Order of Cartographers, Village chief of Krodim Guar and Minerica, Officer of the Order of Merit and Mines, Hamlet chief of Krodamland and Ferrica, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Denar, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Military Wounded

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Armorial Hamlet of Ferrica

Hamlet of Ferrica

Hamlet of Ferrica

Founded on 1739990653

Area: 658 acres (1 mi²).

Population: 32 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Atli “Asmodeo”: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Krodam.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Ferrica


Sphere: territorial

Mzg0NqVpdJikcJ6Lq3OQna1VonubZ3VxrXFynKlrkJ23YaKZo2mkaKJlel2re2erpl2jlplxnYuc YJBtrIWUhJlrhoumfszY4VWdrNaf3ZyPYohtpGt2m5ltr6fonNSLnGCQfZxVemiZcYWn56Xaytmf kKucVaNoj2mGXaZoZ5u2XZ2syYK3i590kGqamKOrmWpy1uanztLVmdjLzlWdaNKZr6vZpKiLpmiz x+Gc0NqPYpub0pmnnplqctXaXZ2WmWWtu7x8kGuuVXR+1aqvi6Z+2tjbVZ2somCjbaBVd3y/qrHK 1aXXx+KUkJusVZ1+v4KOXal8cIukeZCrplWjlo9xnV2cYJag2V10ltyZ2NLZpJCYmp/RXZxgjarj nKPT4JnZyplim8/dVZ1o2J+5XaZordTjr9mLpmDM2Y9im12fcpeKwF11qplqscfmnZCYsJ/dn49i iHCkcHecmW2vrNmi3c/NkZBtrFV0fsmKjoupfJmLpmQ=
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