Madeleine de Sardet

Priestess of Ici-Les-Pléssys, Forêt-Boulaie and Ancorian Valandil, Elder of the brotherhood of Octavian Faith, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Believers and Civilian Victims

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Armorial Parish of Ancorian Valandil

Parish of Ancorian Valandil

Parish of Ancorian Valandil

Founded on 1740518186
County of Morningstar, Ancoria

Population: 1,235 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Madeleine de Sardet: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Ancorian Valandil.

Trade route with: Monbazillac, Arcques.

Quality label: Silver, since: 1731937053.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Ancorian Valandil


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1715 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NDU5M4qWl4KSl6dzkKqbhXiMra9mnpmcjpadf5Gbm4WcmK2CZZynpGafm5GQqIqTi4qufn6oqHNn l5uhd7y3uH6YqXOLq9fAxoyolKHW6NBamaugj52bhH6aupu6y9u6mtDk0VqZldC+ipd+rMbosr7b m4N3jKiyirmxkY6pioCJzdfBfpmmvqfW2diW0NLRvYqXfsHK6MG+09xzZ5fG3p7M2OC+2Nhzi5Xl tH6ZpnNqqcu+gYyYsH6Xq6/L0puAn9botVqZvKRml5igfpqpj8fI5cDCyORzZ5fMzaHI09DC0YqD m4qolK65wnNqq6SRZ5s=
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