Sabina Rbz

Superior of Rbzkirch

Armorial Foundation of Rbzkirch

Foundation of Rbzkirch

Foundation of Rbzkirch

Founded on 1741891254

Area: 612 acres (1 mi²).

Population: 52 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Sabina Rbz: Superior.

Heirs: Olga Rbz: President of the Brick Factories Society, Grand officer of the Order of Merchants, Lady of Rbzland, Commander of the Order of Blessed and Agriculture Merit, Village chief of Rbzves and Rbzwood, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Denar, Mines and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Hunters, Military Valour and Military Wounded, Member of the Union of Swineherds, Butchers and Tavernkeepers, Member of the Pig Breeders, Pork Meat and Water Society, Avel Rbz: President of the Cheese Producers Society, Commander of the Order of Merchants and Civilian Victims, Village chief of Rbzpioner and Rbzport, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Merit, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Mines, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Hunters and Military Wounded, Member of the Bakeries, Dairy Products and Horse Breeders Society, Member of the Union of Bakers and Butchers, Svetoslav Rbz: Grand cross of the Order of Cartographers, Lord of Rbzduna, Commander of the Order of Blessed, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Village chief of Rbzwoodts and Rbzceram, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Merit, Mines and Military Wounded, Knight of the Order of Builders, Hunters and Denar, Member of the Olive Oil Producers, Cheese Producers and Bakeries Society, Avtonoma Rbz: Mayoress of Rbzsity, Village chief of Rbzveloves, Officer of the Order of Blessed, Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Cartographers, Denar and Agriculture Merit, Member of the Union of Perfumers and Swineherds, Member of the Bell Founders Society.

Locate on the Map

Foundation of Rbzkirch

2 809.97

Sphere: territorial and spiritual

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