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Encyclopedia Chronology Week 20


Middle Age

Continent still partially preserved from external influences.

Terra Borealis
Insulae Australis

New organisations available this week:


The federation is a typology of state organisation, where, in accordance with the constitution, the power to make laws is distributed between a central legislative body and the legislative assemblies of [URL=/help/org?type=fed][…][/URL]

. Sphere: temporal. 960 arpents. Prerequisite: District. Possible outlets: Tsardom / Caliphate / Empire.

New buildings available this week:


Une aile est un bâtiment permettant de relier les différents pavillons d'un palais. Elle comprend généralement une galerie ou une suite de salons en enfilade. [URL=/help/bld?type=hwing][…][/URL]

 15 inhabitants.  30 m³.  40.  260. 10. 0/0/5/5 (80).

East-west wing
North-south wing

Palace entrance

A palace designates a monumental building. It may designate a place of urban residence for an important person, living a princely or sumptuous lifestyle; The seat of a public institution in which the exercise [URL=/help/bld?type=hpalace][…][/URL]

 30.  280. 10. 0/0/5/5 (80).

East-west palace entrance
North-south palace entrance


À l'origine, le terme pavillon viendrait du mot papillon. On désignait ainsi la tente du seigneur en campagne. L'analogie avec l'insecte viendrait de l'aspect somptueux des tentes. D'où la notion d'une [URL=/help/bld?type=pavilion][…][/URL]

 20 inhabitants.  30 m³.  50.  260. 10. 0/0/5/5 (80).


Specialisation of: Pavilion / East-west wing / North-south wing.

The private apartment is a suite of salons, antechambers, and the master’s bedroom of the palace. Only the most intimate guests are typically admitted there. [URL=/help/bld?type=apartmnt][…][/URL]

Private apartment

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