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Encyclopedia Chronology Week 3


First settlements

Rural activities in a new continent, still wild, peaceful, and largely unexplored.

Terra Borealis
Insulae Australis

New resources available this week:


A jug is like the charismatic bouncer of the beverage world. It's got a sturdy handle and a wide body that says, "I'm here to pour the party!" Whether you're serving up a refreshing drink or pretending [URL=/help/res?type=jug][…][/URL]

60. Consumption: 3 /unit, ,


Orpiment is a deep orange-yellow colored arsenic sulfide mineral. It is found in volcanic fumaroles, low temperature hydrothermal veins, and hot springs and is formed both by sublimation and as a byproduct [URL=/help/res?type=orpiment][…][/URL]

Used as raw material: Painting 5, Enamelling 5.


Paper is a thin material produced by pressing together moist fibres of cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags or grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets. It is a versatile material with many uses, [URL=/help/res?type=paper][…][/URL]

75. Used as raw material: Writing 5, Music 5, Management 5. Consumption: 100 /unit, ,


A rivet is a permanent mechanical fastener. Before being installed, a rivet consists of a smooth cylindrical shaft with a head on one end. The end opposite the head is called the tail. On installation, [URL=/help/res?type=rivet][…][/URL]

Used as raw material: Boiler making 10, Upholstery 5, Leatherworking 5.


Le fil textile est le produit du filage, c'est-à-dire l'agglutination de fibres textiles pour former un ensemble long. Le processus d'obtention de ce fil peut être industrialisé dans un atelier appelé [URL=/help/res?type=thread][…][/URL]

20. Used as raw material: Weaving 35, Braiding 30, Clothing 10, Leatherworking 10, Rubberworking 10, Shoemaking 10, Upholstery 10. Consumption: 1 /unit, ,

New buildings available this week:

Paper mill

Specialisation of: Watermill.

Une usine à papier, un moulin à papier, une papeterie ou une papetière, est une unité de production servant à la fabrication du papier. Théoriquement n'importe quelle fibre végétale longue, fine [URL=/help/bld?type=pprmill][…][/URL]

Spinning factory

Specialisation of: Workshop / Watermill.

Une filature est un atelier de filage textile. On distingue deux types de filatures, la filature cotonnière pour des fibres courtes et la filature type laine pour les fibres longues. [URL=/help/bld?type=spinfac][…][/URL]

New units available this week:


The papermaker is a professional in the realm of paper, overseeing its production and commercialisation. The traditional papermaker crafts sheets of paper using fibres from specific trees, producing papers [URL=/help/unit?type=papermk][…][/URL]

Wi / Ag. Skills: Paper making 5/lvl, Milling 3/lvl.


Spinning is a major part of the textile industry. It is part of the textile manufacturing process where three types of fibre are converted into yarn, then fabrics. The textiles are then fabricated into [URL=/help/unit?type=spinner][…][/URL]

Wi / Ag. Skills: Spinning 5/lvl, Braiding 3/lvl, Weaving 1/lvl.

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