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Encyclopedia Chronology Week 2


First settlements

Rural activities in a new continent, still wild, peaceful, and largely unexplored.

Terra Borealis
Insulae Australis

New resources available this week:


A barrel, cask, or tun is a hollow cylindrical container, traditionally made of wooden staves bound by wooden or metal hoops. Traditionally, the barrel is a standard size of 250 litres. Barrels have a [URL=/help/res?type=barrel][…][/URL]

100. Used as raw material: Viniculture 15, Distillery 10, Brewing 5. Consumption: 1 /unit, ,


Cheese is made from cow's milk mainly, but also from sheep. Milk is acidified, usually using a bacterial culture. An enzyme is then added to cause coagulation and form curd, which is drained and followed [URL=/help/res?type=cheese][…][/URL]

75. Used as raw material: Hospitality 15. Consumption: 2 kg /unit, ( +2 -2),


A flail is an agricultural tool used for threshing, the process of separating grains from their husks. It is usually made from two or more large sticks attached by a short chain; one stick is held and [URL=/help/res?type=flail][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Harvesting 5.


A lathe is a machine tool that rotates a workpiece about an axis of rotation to perform various operations such as cutting, sanding, knurling, drilling, deformation, facing, and turning, with tools that [URL=/help/res?type=lathe][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Machining 25, Jewelry 20, Turnery 15, Goldsmithing 15, Pottery 10, Glassware 5.

Linseed oil

L'huile de lin est une huile végétale de couleur jaune d'or, tirée des graines mûres du lin cultivé, pressées à froid et/ou à chaud. Les utilisations de l'huile de lin dérivent de sa richesse [URL=/help/res?type=linoil][…][/URL]

35. Used as raw material: Soap making 25, Parquetry 10, Leatherworking 5, Turnery 5, Archery 5, Joinery 5, Carpentry 5, Cabinet making 5, Marquetry 5, Upholstery 5, Painting 5. Consumption: 1 l /unit, ,


Malachite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral. It is used as a mineral pigment in green paints. The pigment is moderately lightfast, very sensitive to acids, and varying in color. [URL=/help/res?type=malachit][…][/URL]

Used as raw material: Painting 5, Enamelling 5.

Olive oil

L’huile d'olive est la matière grasse extraite des olives (fruits de l'olivier) lors de la trituration dans un moulin à huile. L'huile d'olive peut être utilisée aussi bien crue (dans des sauces [URL=/help/res?type=oliveoil][…][/URL]

45. Used as raw material: Soap making 35, Cookery 5. Consumption: 1 l /unit, ( -2 +2),


Une assiette est une pièce de vaisselle qui permet de contenir et de servir des mets. Elle est composée d'un fond plat, appelé ombilic, et de bords inclinés (talus ou descente) généralement bordés [URL=/help/res?type=plate][…][/URL]

60. Consumption: 6 /unit, ,


Pliers are a hand tool used to hold objects firmly, possibly developed from tongs used to handle hot metal in Bronze Age. They are also useful for bending and compressing a wide range of materials. Generally, [URL=/help/res?type=pliers][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Smithing 5, Boiler making 5, Casting 5, Carpentry 5, Roofing 5, Cladding 5, Glassware 5, Glazing 5.


A sledgehammer is a tool with a large, flat, often metal head, attached to a lever (or handle). The size of its head allows a sledgehammer to apply more force than other hammers of similar size. Along [URL=/help/res?type=sledge][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Demolition 20, Destruction 20, Quarrying 5, Mining 5, Melee combat 5.


Le vin est une boisson alcoolisée obtenue par la fermentation du raisin, fruit des vignes. Selon la définition légale, le vin est le produit obtenu exclusivement par la fermentation alcoolique, totale [URL=/help/res?type=wine][…][/URL]

45. Used as raw material: Hospitality 30, Distillery 15, Cookery 5. Consumption: 2 l /unit, ( +1 -1),

New buildings available this week:

Oil mill

Specialisation of: Watermill.

Un même moulin ne peut pas servir simultanément à la production d'huile et de farine, au risque de produire une sorte de pâte gluante qui encrasserait tous ses mécanismes. Le moulin à huile est donc [URL=/help/bld?type=oilmill][…][/URL]


Un moteur hydraulique est un mécanisme utilisant l'énergie hydraulique pour mouvoir divers outils (moulins à grains, à huiles, à papier...). Cette énergie peut être fournie directement par un cours [URL=/help/bld?type=watmill][…][/URL]

 12 inhabitants.  50 m³.  20.  48. 0/0/5/5 (70). Skill bonuses: Milling 20, Paper making 15, Spinning 10.


En viticulture, le chai est le lieu où se déroule la vinification. Le terme est aussi utilisé pour indiquer le lieu où sont conservés en tonneaux les vins ou les eaux de vie. Par extension, on l’utilise [URL=/help/bld?type=winery][…][/URL]

 110 m³.  30.  94. 0/0/5/5 (75). Skill bonuses: Viniculture 10.

New units available this week:


The word Winemaker designates a person that cultivates vines and their grapes, to transform them into wine through a fermentation process, one of the oldest form of alcoholic beverage known to man. They [URL=/help/unit?type=winemk][…][/URL]

Wi. Skills: Viniculture 5/lvl, Fruit picking 3/lvl, Plantation 2/lvl.

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