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Encyclopedia Chronology Week 5



Emergence of the first urban settlements, along with early conflicts, but still beyond the reach of global powers.

Terra Borealis
Insulae Australis

New actions available this week:


This action provides a happiness bonus to units on the premises. The duration of the action depends on the quality of services and the number of girls doing the job. [URL=/help/act?type=charm][…][/URL]

Theatre show

Theatre is a show in which comedians, put in circumstances and situations created by a text and the vision of a director, embody characters for an outside audience (the public), in a limited time and space. [URL=/help/act?type=theatre][…][/URL]

New organisations available this week:


Brotherhoods are communities designed to promote fraternal self-help or to perpetuate a tradition. They may have a religious character with a saint patron and a spiritual purpose. They can also be secular, [URL=/help/org?type=brhood][…][/URL]

Sphere: social.

Religious foundation

A religious foundation or convent is a community of priests, religious brothers, religious sisters, monks or nuns. The foundation has no monastic vocation, it is therefore more open to the world than the [URL=/help/org?type=rfound][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Possible outlets: Commandery / Priory.


An Academy is an assembly of men and women of letters, scholars or artists recognised by their peers. The purpose of these so-called assemblies is to oversee the rules, codes and customs in their disciplines. [URL=/help/org?type=academy][…][/URL]

Sphere: social.


A priory is a monastery, usually subordinated to a more important abbey; it is placed under the authority of a prior, himself dependent on a more important abbot. [URL=/help/org?type=priory][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Prerequisite: Religious foundation. Possible outlets: Commandery / Abbey.

New resources available this week:


An arrow is a shafted projectile that is shot with a bow. It usually consists of a shaft with an arrowhead attached to the front end, with fletchings and a nock at the other. [URL=/help/res?type=arrow][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Ranged combat 5, Hunting 5.

Battering rams

A battering ram is a siege engine designed to break open the masonry walls of fortifications or splinter their wooden gates. In its simplest form, a battering ram is just a large, heavy log carried by [URL=/help/res?type=ram][…][/URL]

-9. 10/10/25/15. Skill bonuses: Destruction 50, Intrusion -75.


A bell is a directly struck idiophone percussion instrument. Most bells have the shape of a hollow cup that when struck vibrates in a single strong strike tone, with its sides forming an efficient resonator. [URL=/help/res?type=bell][…][/URL]

Used as raw material: Engineering 30.


A book is a medium for recording information in the form of writing or images, typically composed of many pages bound together and protected by a cover. As an intellectual object, a book is prototypically [URL=/help/res?type=book][…][/URL]

160. Skill bonuses: Prayer 10, Alchemy 10, Cookery 10, Pastry 10, Architecture 5, Management 5. Consumption: 1 /unit, ,


A bow is a flexible arc which shoots aerodynamic projectiles called arrows. A string joins the two ends of the bow and when the string is drawn back, the ends of the bow are flexed. When the string is [URL=/help/res?type=bow][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Ranged combat 15, Hunting 10.


Gingerbread is a honey cake with various spices. [URL=/help/res?type=gbread][…][/URL]

50. Consumption: 1 kg /unit, ( +1 -2),


A helmet is a form of protective gear worn to protect the head from injuries. Many different military helmets and some ceremonial helmets have been developed, almost all of these being made of metals. [URL=/help/res?type=helmet][…][/URL]

5/5/0/5. Skill bonuses: Ranged combat -5, Intrusion -5, Looting -5.


Ink is a gel, sol, or solution that is used for drawing or writing with a pen, brush, reed pen, or quill. It is made from black soot pigments and a binder. [URL=/help/res?type=ink][…][/URL]

Used as raw material: Writing 5.

Magnifying glasses

Une loupe est un instrument d'optique subjectif constitué d'une lentille convexe permettant d'obtenir d'un objet une image agrandie. Il existe plusieurs sortes de loupes différenciées par leurs montures [URL=/help/res?type=magnify][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Jewelry 10, Goldsmithing 10.

Mail shirts

Mail (chain mail, maille) is a type of armour consisting of small metal rings linked together in a pattern to form a mesh. A mail shirt is a piece of chain mail with short sleeves. A coat of this armour [URL=/help/res?type=mlshirt][…][/URL]

5/5/0/5. Skill bonuses: Intrusion -5, Looting -5.


Un collier est un type de bijou porté autour du cou. Les colliers sont habituellement constitués d'une chaîne de métal, souvent précieux, qui peut ou non servir de support à des éléments décoratifs [URL=/help/res?type=necklace][…][/URL]

115. Skill bonuses: Charms 5. Consumption: 1 /unit, ,


Perfume is an odour, more precisely a mixture of fragrances naturally emitted by a plant, an animal, a mushroom or an environment. In wildlife, perfumes are generally chemical or biochemical messages, [URL=/help/res?type=perfume][…][/URL]

240. Used as raw material: Charms 25. Consumption: 1 /unit, ,


A quiver is a container for holding arrows, bolts, or darts. It can be carried on an archer's body, the bow, or the ground, depending on the type of shooting and the archer's personal preference. Quivers [URL=/help/res?type=quiver][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Ranged combat 1, Hunting 1.

Short swords

Certains en ont une longue, d'autres une petite, ces derniers préfèrent l'appeler l'épée courte. Les plus grands chevaliers vous diront que ce n'est pas la taille qui compte, mais l'affutage et la [URL=/help/res?type=ssword][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Melee combat 10.


A spear is a pole weapon consisting of a shaft, usually of wood, with a pointed head. The head may be simply the sharpened end of the shaft itself, as is the case with fire hardened spears, or it may be [URL=/help/res?type=spear][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Hast weapons 15, Fishing 10, Hunting 10.

Stage costumes

Le costume est l'habit que le comédien porte pour incarner son rôle au théâtre. Il est généralement confectionné à partir de tissus très colorés pour qu'on puisse le voir de loin. [URL=/help/res?type=costume][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Acting 10.


Le sucre est une substance de saveur douce extraite principalement de la canne à sucre et de la betterave sucrière. Il est majoritairement formé d'un composé nommé saccharose. [URL=/help/res?type=sugar][…][/URL]

20. Used as raw material: Pastry 10, Cookery 5, Baking 5. Consumption: 1 kg /unit, ,

Sugar cane

La canne à sucre est une grande graminée tropicale herbacée à port de roseau, d'une hauteur allant de 2,5 à 6 mètres. Elle est cultivée pour ses tiges, dont on extrait du sucre. [URL=/help/res?type=sugcane][…][/URL]

Used as raw material: Refining 35, Plantation 20, Distillery 15.


A tent is a shelter consisting of sheets of fabric or other material draped over, attached to a frame of poles or a supporting rope. [URL=/help/res?type=tent][…][/URL]

Used as raw material: Furnishing 30.

New buildings available this week:

Abbey church

An abbey or abbey church is a church specially built for an abbey. Centre of the spiritual life, the abbey is, of all the buildings of the monastery, the one that is the most faithful reflection of the [URL=/help/bld?type=abbey][…][/URL]

 30.  269. 5. 0/0/5/5 (75). Skill bonuses: Ceremony 10, Music 10, Prayer 5.

Abbey apse
Abbey church


Specialisation of: Forge.

An armoury is the location where all weapons, armours and ammunitions are stored for a settlement or fortification. Most armouries also have a dedicated blacksmith on-hand to upkeep the stocks or produce [URL=/help/bld?type=armory][…][/URL]


A barrack or barracks is a building or group of buildings built to house soldiers. The main object of barracks is to separate soldiers from the civilian population and reinforce discipline, training, and [URL=/help/bld?type=barrack][…][/URL]

 80 inhabitants.  80 m³.  75.  145. 0/0/5/5 (100). Skill bonuses: Apprenticeship 5.


Specialisation of: Residential area / East arcades / East arcades with passageway / North arcades / North arcades with passageway / South arcades / South arcades with passageway / West arcades / West arcades with passageway / Mansion.

A brothel is a place where people may come to engage in sexual activity with a prostitute, sometimes referred to as a sex worker. For legal or cultural reasons, establishments sometimes describe themselves [URL=/help/bld?type=brothel][…][/URL]


Dormitories are the living quarters of the residents of a monastery. [URL=/help/bld?type=dorm][…][/URL]

 220 inhabitants.  130 m³.  40.  182. 0/0/5/5 (75).

East-west dormitories
North-south dormitories

City hall

A city hall, town hall, civic centre, a guildhall, a Rathaus (German), or (more rarely) a municipal building, is the chief administrative building of a city, town, or other municipality. It usually houses [URL=/help/bld?type=cityhall][…][/URL]

 50 m³.  40.  246. 10. 0/0/5/5 (80).


A cloister is a covered, closed quadrilateral gallery, surrounding an interior garden, set in the heart of abbeys and monasteries, and later also next to larger cathedrals and churches. The cloister, with [URL=/help/bld?type=cloister][…][/URL]

 30.  144. 5. 0/0/5/5 (20). Skill bonuses: Music 5.

Engineering workshop

Specialisation of: Workshop / Forge.

L'ingénierie est l'ensemble des fonctions qui mènent de la conception et des études, à la construction et à la mise en service d'une installation technique. Les ingénieurs s'intéressent notamment [URL=/help/bld?type=engineer][…][/URL]


Specialisation of: Forge.

Casting is a manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to solidify. The solidified part is also [URL=/help/bld?type=foundry][…][/URL]

Jewelry shop

Specialisation of: Residential area / East-northwest street / East-southwest street / East-west street / North-southeast street / North-southwest street / Northwest-southeast street / Northeast-southwest street / South-northeast street / South-northwest street / North-south street / West-northeast street / West-southeast street / Crossing / / Diagonal crossing / East arcades / East arcades with passageway / North arcades / North arcades with passageway / South arcades / South arcades with passageway / West arcades / West arcades with passageway.

La joaillerie est l'art de fabriquer des joyaux et plus largement des objets de parure mettant en valeur des pierres précieuses, des pierres fines, des pierres ornementales et des perles, en utilisant [URL=/help/bld?type=jewelry][…][/URL]

Lord's lodging

Le logis seigneurial, aussi appelé plus communément logis, est un vaste bâtiment situé la plupart du temps dans la basse-cour d'une place forte et réservé à l'usage du seigneur et de sa famille. [URL=/help/bld?type=lodging][…][/URL]

 70 inhabitants.  200 m³.  40.  225. 10. 0/0/5/5 (80).


Specialisation of: Distillery.

Perfumery refers to the art and industry of perfume making. It is also the place where one makes or sells perfumes. The word derives its root from the Latin per-fumum, ie through the smoke. [URL=/help/bld?type=perfume][…][/URL]


A rectory is the residence, or former residence, of one or more priests or ministers of religion. Such residences are known by various names, including clergy house, presbytery and parsonage. They are [URL=/help/bld?type=rectory][…][/URL]

 50 inhabitants.  75 m³.  40.  249. 0/0/5/5 (75).

Rum factory

Specialisation of: Distillery.

A rum factory is a distillery specialised in the production of rum. [URL=/help/bld?type=rumfact][…][/URL]


The scriptorium is the workshop in which the monks devote themselves to writing work. [URL=/help/bld?type=script][…][/URL]

 40.  219. 0/0/5/5 (75). Skill bonuses: Writing 5, Apprenticeship 5.


La porte fait partie des fortifications d'une ville. C'est le seul moyen de franchir les remparts entourant la ville. Les tours et les portes ont pour fonction de protéger le cœur de la ville contre [URL=/help/bld?type=sgate][…][/URL]

 200.  600. 0/0/5/5 (120).

Eastern gate
Northeastern gate
Northern gate
Northwestern gate
Southeastern gate
Southern gate
Southwestern gate
Western gate


Une muraille est un mur de grande hauteur destiné à protéger un ensemble de bâtiments par leur enceinte. Les murailles concrétisent la fonction du pouvoir seigneurial, ce dernier devenant le garant [URL=/help/bld?type=swall][…][/URL]

 180.  600. 0/0/0/0 (90).

East wall
Northern wall
Southern wall
Western wall


A theater, theatre or playhouse, is a structure where theatrical works or plays are performed or other performances such as musical concerts may be produced. While a theatre building is not required for [URL=/help/bld?type=theatre][…][/URL]

 30 m³.  20.  73. 5. 0/0/5/5 (70). Skill bonuses: Acting 10, Music 5.


Une tour est un ouvrage fortifié, à plan circulaire, carré ou polygonal. Dès la plus haute antiquité, on érigeait déjà des tours pour fortifier les murailles des villes et forteresses. La tour [URL=/help/bld?type=tower][…][/URL]

 200.  600. 0/0/5/5 (120).


New units available this week:


Archery is the art, sport, practice, or skill of using a bow to shoot arrows. The word comes from the Latin arcus for bow. Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat. A person who participates [URL=/help/unit?type=archer][…][/URL]

Ag / St. Skills: Ranged combat 5/lvl, Melee combat 2/lvl, Looting 1/lvl.


An armourer is a person who repairs, modifies, designs or manufactures weapons (swords, pikes, spears…) and equipment for soldiers (armours, shields, helmets…). [URL=/help/unit?type=armourer][…][/URL]

St / Ag. Skills: Smithing 5/lvl, Boiler making 3/lvl, Fire 3/lvl, Machining 3/lvl, Engineering 1/lvl, Melee combat 1/lvl, Leatherworking 1/lvl, Enamelling 1/lvl, Painting 1/lvl, Turnery 1/lvl.

Battering ram

A battering ram is a siege engine designed to break open the masonry walls of fortifications or splinter their wooden gates. They prove effective weapons of war because old fashioned wall-building materials [URL=/help/unit?type=ram][…][/URL]

St / In. Skills: Destruction 4/lvl, Melee combat 1/lvl.


The bowyer is the craftsman specializing in the design and manufacture of bows. Its field of expertise also extends to the manufacture of crossbows and all other projectile weapons used by soldiers. [URL=/help/unit?type=bowmk][…][/URL]

Ag / In. Skills: Archery 5/lvl, Turnery 2/lvl, Engineering 1/lvl, Ranged combat 1/lvl.


Brigands are outlaws who hide in the woods. Some occupy domanial forests, near towns where they can launch raids, while others prefer to stay in remote places where they wait patiently for passage of a [URL=/help/unit?type=brigand][…][/URL]

Skills: Melee combat 4/lvl, Ranged combat 3/lvl, Looting 3/lvl.

City guards

Although not always of exemplary honesty and sometimes sensitive to the bribes of all kinds, the city guards know how to gather to defend a urban agglomeration and its inhabitants in case of external threat. [URL=/help/unit?type=cguard][…][/URL]

St / Co. Skills: Hast weapons 4/lvl, Melee combat 4/lvl.


A comedian or comic, is a person who seeks to entertain an audience, primarily by making them laugh. This might be through jokes or amusing situations, or acting a fool. A comedian who addresses an audience [URL=/help/unit?type=comedian][…][/URL]

Ch / Ag. Skills: Acting 5/lvl, Writing 2/lvl, Clothing 1/lvl, Looting 1/lvl.


The coutilier, also known as coustillier or coustilleux in French, is an infantryman armed with a lance and a short sword (a "couteau"), suitable for dispatching the wounded who are not worth a ransom [URL=/help/unit?type=coutil][…][/URL]

St / Ag. Skills: Melee combat 4/lvl, Hast weapons 3/lvl, Looting 3/lvl.


Engineers are crazy folks. They like to do strange devices everywhere, for everything. But we like them to do strange devices on the battlefield, to kill more people. They can be useful to make mechanisms [URL=/help/unit?type=engineer][…][/URL]

In / Ag. Skills: Engineering 5/lvl, Machining 3/lvl, Carpentry 3/lvl, Roofing 3/lvl, Surveying 3/lvl, Digging 3/lvl, Milling 2/lvl, Smithing 1/lvl, Carriage 1/lvl.


Casting is a manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to solidify. The solidified part is also [URL=/help/unit?type=founder][…][/URL]

Co / Ag. Skills: Casting 5/lvl, Metallurgy 4/lvl, Fire 3/lvl, Smithing 1/lvl, Pottery 1/lvl.


A friar is a brother and a member of a mendicant order. Friars are different from monks in that they are called to live the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in service to society, rather than through [URL=/help/unit?type=friar][…][/URL]

Wi. Skills: Prayer 1/lvl.


Jewellery or jewelry consists of small decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Jewellery may be attached to the body or the clothes, and [URL=/help/unit?type=jeweller][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Jewelry 5/lvl, Goldsmithing 2/lvl, Glassware 1/lvl.

Ladies of pleasure

Ladies of pleasure offer their visitors a range of relaxing and wellness services. Their charms will make your soldiers, your workers, and why not your lords and ladies, forget the difficulties of life, [URL=/help/unit?type=prostit][…][/URL]

Ch / Co. Skills: Charms 5/lvl, Looting 3/lvl, Acting 2/lvl, Intrusion 1/lvl.


A monk is a man who chooses solitude to better find the faith, pronounces vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. For their life of prayer and contemplation, the vast majority of monks seek the support [URL=/help/unit?type=monk][…][/URL]

Wi. Skills: Writing 5/lvl, Prayer 4/lvl, Music 3/lvl, Ceremony 2/lvl, Management 2/lvl, Chandlery 1/lvl, Alchemy 1/lvl.

Monks builders

The monks builders specialise in the construction and repair of the monastery buildings. Their skills are varied and range from architecture to the handling of a pickaxe. [URL=/help/unit?type=mbuilder][…][/URL]

Wi / Ag. Skills: Carpentry 3/lvl, Masonry 3/lvl, Stone cutting 3/lvl, Prayer 2/lvl, Surveying 2/lvl, Roofing 2/lvl, Architecture 1/lvl, Sculpture 1/lvl, Joinery 1/lvl, Parquetry 1/lvl, Sawing 1/lvl, Cladding 1/lvl, Quarrying 1/lvl, Digging 1/lvl.

Monks farmers

The monks farmers or peasant monks are specialised in agricultural work. They cultivate the land, raise cattle and provide the monastery with food. [URL=/help/unit?type=pmonk][…][/URL]

Wi / Co. Skills: Gardening 4/lvl, Harvesting 3/lvl, Sowing 3/lvl, Rice growing 3/lvl, Plantation 3/lvl, Farm breeding 3/lvl, Prayer 2/lvl, Ploughing 2/lvl, Fruit picking 2/lvl, Cookery 2/lvl, Drawing 1/lvl, Viniculture 1/lvl, Beekeeping 1/lvl, Cattle breeding 1/lvl, Churning 1/lvl, Herding 1/lvl, Milling 1/lvl, Baking 1/lvl, Tree felling 1/lvl, Fire 1/lvl.


A perfumer is a term used for an expert on creating perfume compositions, sometimes referred to affectionately as a Nose due to their fine sense of smell and skill in producing olfactory compositions. [URL=/help/unit?type=perfumer][…][/URL]

Wi / Co. Skills: Distillery 5/lvl, Fire 1/lvl.

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