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Encyclopedia Chronology Week 1


First settlements

Rural activities in a new continent, still wild, peaceful, and largely unexplored.

Terra Borealis
Insulae Australis

New actions available this week:


Burial, also known as interment or inhumation, is a method of final disposition whereby a dead body is placed into the ground. This is usually accomplished by excavating a pit or trench, placing the deceased [URL=/help/act?type=burial][…][/URL]


Consecrating is to make sacred, that is to say, to pass a place from the secular sphere to the sacred sphere (belonging to a god). A religious rite is required for a consecration. The consecration of a [URL=/help/act?type=consec][…][/URL]


Each character can marry a character of the opposite sex. This solemn union is often a ceremony in the presence of many witnesses, especially if the bride and groom are important lord and lady. Each spouse [URL=/help/act?type=marry][…][/URL]



Prayer allows to invoke the powers of a deity. Each cult gives skill and statistics bonuses to all units from the domain, wherever they are. These bonuses are adjusted by the quality of the prayer. Praying [URL=/help/act?type=pray][…][/URL]

New organisations available this week:


A parish is a territorial entity constituting a division within a diocese. A parish is under the pastoral care and clerical jurisdiction of a priest, often termed a parish priest, who might be assisted [URL=/help/org?type=parish][…][/URL]

. Sphere: spiritual. Possible outlets: Deanery / Archdeaconate.


A lordship is a set of lands whose owner has the title of lord. The size of lordships varies: they can be just a hamlet or an entire region. The lordship is linked to the figure of the castle, which is [URL=/help/org?type=lordship][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial. Prerequisite: Commandery / Town / Village / Hamlet. Possible outlets: Sheikhdom / Barony / Vidamy / Viscounty / Burgraviate.

New resources available this week:


La viande bovine est la viande issue des animaux de l'espèce Bos taurus, qu'il s'agisse de vache, taureau, veau, broutard, taurillon, génisse ou bœuf. Elle est plus couramment appelée « viande de [URL=/help/res?type=beef][…][/URL]

50. Used as raw material: Cookery 30. Consumption: 2 kg /unit, ( +1 -1),


Un bol est un élément de vaisselle qui sert principalement lors du repas matinal mais qui peut également être utilisé à n'importe quel autre moment de la journée. On s'en sert le plus souvent pour [URL=/help/res?type=bowl][…][/URL]

60. Consumption: 6 /unit, ,


Butter is a dairy product extracted from milk, by churning the cream. This food is constituted by the fat of the milk only worked to improve its flavor, its conservation and diversify its uses, in particular [URL=/help/res?type=butter][…][/URL]

35. Used as raw material: Pastry 20, Cookery 5. Consumption: 1 kg /unit, ( +4 -4),


Hematite, also spelled as haematite, is the mineral form of iron oxide. It is colored black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish brown, or red. It is a red ochre, containing unhydrated hematite, whereas [URL=/help/res?type=hematite][…][/URL]

Used as raw material: Painting 5, Enamelling 5.


Lard is pig fat in both its rendered and unrendered forms. It is obtained from any part of the pig where there is a high proportion of adipose tissue. It can be rendered by steaming it or boiling it in [URL=/help/res?type=lard][…][/URL]

20. Used as raw material: Soap making 25, Leatherworking 5, Upholstery 5, Cookery 5. Consumption: 1 kg /unit, ( +2 -3),


La viande d'agneau est une production agricole résultante de l'élevage du mouton. L'agneau, la progéniture du mouton, est, pour cela, abattu dans la période juvénile de sa vie pour sa peau et sa viande, [URL=/help/res?type=sheepmt][…][/URL]

40. Used as raw material: Cookery 30. Consumption: 2 kg /unit, ( -1),

Pit saws

A pitsaw or whipsaw is a type of saw used in a saw pit, and consists of a narrow blade held rigid by a frame. It is used to reduce large logs into beams and planks. Sawyers either dig a large pit or construct [URL=/help/res?type=pitsaw][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Sawing 20.


A plough or plow is a tool or farm implement used in farming for initial cultivation of soil in preparation for sowing seed or planting to loosen or turn the soil. Ploughs are traditionally drawn by working [URL=/help/res?type=plough][…][/URL]

-3. Skill bonuses: Ploughing 15.


La viande de porc est la viande tirée d'un animal, le porc, qui est une viande de consommation courante et qui fait l'objet de nombreuses préparations et spécialités culinaires. Pratiquement toutes [URL=/help/res?type=pork][…][/URL]

35. Used as raw material: Cookery 30. Consumption: 2 kg /unit, ( +2 -3),


A scythe is an agricultural hand tool for mowing grass or reaping crops. It consists of a long shaft called a snaith, snath, snathe or sned, traditionally made of wood. Simple snaiths are straight with [URL=/help/res?type=scythe][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Harvesting 10, Melee combat 5, Intrusion -5.


Tallow is a rendered form of beef or mutton fat, processed from suet. It is solid at room temperature. Unlike suet, tallow can be stored for extended periods without the need for refrigeration to prevent [URL=/help/res?type=tallow][…][/URL]

20. Used as raw material: Soap making 25, Chandlery 15, Leatherworking 5, Upholstery 5, Cooperage 5, Cladding 5, Cookery 5, Tanning 5, Engineering 5. Consumption: 1 kg /unit, ( +2 -2),


A yoke is a wooden beam normally used between a pair of oxen or other animals to enable them to pull together on a load when working in pairs, as oxen usually do; some yokes are fitted to individual animals. [URL=/help/res?type=yoke][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Ploughing 5, Carriage 5.

New buildings available this week:


A cemetery is a group of monumental burials adjacent to a place of worship. It is distinguished from the graveyard which does not host monuments, and the necropolis which is clearly separated from the [URL=/help/bld?type=cemetery][…][/URL]

 35. 0/0/5/5.

Great pyramid

Symbol of the god Kastau, the great pyramid is considered to be the purest and most robust architectural form. It is above all a symbol of prestige, but also serves as a temple or tomb for the sovereigns. [URL=/help/bld?type=gpyramid][…][/URL]

 200.  3500. 0/0/5/5 (150). Skill bonuses: Prayer 50.

East face of the great pyramid
Heart of the great pyramid
North-east corner of the great pyramid
North face of the great pyramid
North-west corner of the great pyramid
South-east corner of the great pyramid
South face of the great pyramid
South-west corner of the great pyramid
West face of the great pyramid


Un abattoir est un bâtiment dans lequel les animaux sont abattus pour la consommation et la boucherie. Les petites tueries, placées à l'intérieur de la ville, sont souvent considérés comme de véritables [URL=/help/bld?type=slaught][…][/URL]

 75 m³.  20.  61. -5. 0/0/5/5 (70). Skill bonuses: Butchery 5.

Wooden castle

The castle is a building meant to protect a lord and symbolise his authority on his own fief. The first castles were built in wood on a castle mound. On opposition with the palace, the castle may be the [URL=/help/bld?type=wcastle][…][/URL]

 45 inhabitants.  100 m³.  180.  200. 10. 0/0/5/5 (120).

New units available this week:


A butcher is a person who may slaughter animals, dress their flesh, sell their meat, or participate within any combination of these three tasks. They may prepare standard cuts of meat and poultry for sale [URL=/help/unit?type=butcher][…][/URL]

Ag / Co. Skills: Butchery 5/lvl, Melee combat 1/lvl, Cookery 1/lvl.


Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid surface (support base). The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush, but other implements, such as knives, [URL=/help/unit?type=painter][…][/URL]

Wi / Ag. Skills: Painting 5/lvl, Enamelling 3/lvl.

Peasant soldiers

When the alarm resounds in the fields and we must hide in the castle, we know that, what is left behind will be pillaged or burned down to ashes. This is why during emergencies, some lords or ladies leave [URL=/help/unit?type=psoldier][…][/URL]

St / Co. Skills: Harvesting 4/lvl, Sowing 3/lvl, Ploughing 3/lvl, Melee combat 3/lvl, Looting 2/lvl, Hast weapons 1/lvl.


A pitsaw or whipsaw is a type of saw used in a saw pit, and consists of a narrow blade held rigid by a frame. It is used to reduce large logs into beams and planks. Sawyers either dig a large pit or construct [URL=/help/unit?type=pitsaw][…][/URL]

St / Ag. Skills: Sawing 5/lvl.


A ploughman is like the architect of the agricultural world. Armed with their plough, they sculpt the land with meticulous precision, shaping it into a canvas for nature's masterpiece. They understand [URL=/help/unit?type=plgman][…][/URL]

Co / St. Skills: Ploughing 5/lvl, Cattle breeding 2/lvl, Horse training 2/lvl.


A priest is a person authorised to perform the sacred rituals of a cult, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities. They also have the authority or power to administer religious [URL=/help/unit?type=priest][…][/URL]

Wi. Skills: Prayer 5/lvl, Ceremony 4/lvl, Music 3/lvl, Management 1/lvl.


Sculpture is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions. It is one of the plastic arts. Durable sculptural processes originally used carving (the removal of material) and modelling [URL=/help/unit?type=sculptor][…][/URL]

Wi / Ag / St. Skills: Sculpture 5/lvl, Stone cutting 4/lvl.


An undertaker is a professional who is responsible for placing the deceased in coffins and transporting them to the cemetery. They usually assist the priest during the burial ceremony. [URL=/help/unit?type=undertak][…][/URL]

Wi / Co. Skills: Digging 4/lvl, Carriage 3/lvl, Melee combat 1/lvl, Looting 1/lvl.

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