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Encyclopedia Chronology Week 25



Cultural and artistic flourishing.

Terra Borealis
Insulae Australis

New resources available this week:

Music score

Une partition de musique est un document (en papier ou en parchemin) qui porte la transcription d'une œuvre musicale. Cette transcription peut être faite avec plusieurs sortes de notations et sert à [URL=/help/res?type=music][…][/URL]

Used as raw material: Music 40.


Un tableau est, dans le domaine des beaux-arts, un support de surface plane, constitué en différents matériaux (panneaux de bois, toile tendue sur châssis, etc.), de formes et dimensions variées, [URL=/help/res?type=painting][…][/URL]

240. Used as raw material: Furnishing 30. Consumption: 1 /unit, ,

Theatre pieces

Une pièce de théâtre est une œuvre écrite qui permet de mettre en scène des comédiens dans un spectacle vivant. [URL=/help/res?type=theatre][…][/URL]

Used as raw material: Acting 40.

New buildings available this week:


Specialisation of: Pavilion / East-west wing / North-south wing.

Every palace worthy of its name must arrange a royal apartment to accommodate the monarch during their travels. [URL=/help/bld?type=kingapt][…][/URL]

King's apartment
Queen's apartment


A statue is a free-standing sculpture in which the realistic, full-length figures of persons or animals or non-representational forms are carved in a durable material like metal, or stone. [URL=/help/bld?type=statue][…][/URL]

 60. 0/0/0/0.

New units available this week:

Federal guards

The Federal Guard is a branch of the army which provides honor and security missions for the benefit of the highest authorities of a federation, as well as security missions for the benefit of the public. [URL=/help/unit?type=fguard][…][/URL]

St / Co. Skills: Hast weapons 4/lvl, Melee combat 4/lvl.


Landsknechts are mercenaries who have gained a significant reputation for their effectiveness as well as their brutality. They often behave as soldiers of fortune, as plundering marauders driven by greed, [URL=/help/unit?type=lknecht][…][/URL]

St / Co. Skills: Hast weapons 4/lvl, Looting 4/lvl, Melee combat 3/lvl, Ranged combat 3/lvl.

Papal guards

The Papal Guard is a military force responsible for ensuring the safety of the Pope and the Holy See. It is responsible for the entrances to the apostolic palace and the private apartments of the pope. [URL=/help/unit?type=pguard][…][/URL]

St / Co. Skills: Hast weapons 5/lvl, Melee combat 5/lvl.

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