Alexandra Leblanc

Village chief of New Pike, Knight of the Order of Cartographers

Armorial Alexandra Leblanc

Alexandra Leblanc

Alexandra Leblanc

Born on 1733137627

Village chief of New Pike, Knight of the Order of Cartographers

Heirs: Arthur Leblanc: Officer of the Order of Ancients, Builders, Hunters and Civilian Victims, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Rulers, Military Valour and Merchants, James Leblanc: Commander of the Order of Military Valour, Marshall of San Seamus, Officer of the Order of Ancients and Cartographers, Hamlet chief of Leblancland, Elizabeth Leblanc: Dean of Perthshire, Priestess of Strawberry Fields, Tripp's Fruit Stand, Penny Lane and Norwegian Wood, Officer of the Order of Believers, Knight of the Order of Ancients, Hunters, Agriculture Merit, Merchants and Civilian Victims, Elise Leblanc: Village chief of Hempington, Officer of the Order of Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit, Ancients, Rulers and Cartographers.


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