Rodion Ahtopic, aka Rodion “Bureevar”

Officer of the Order of Ancients, Superior of The-Lost-Conscience, Card-In-The-Hand, Flint-And-Steel and Untold-Tales, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Feather of Pushkin

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Armorial Foundation of Card-In-The-Hand

Foundation of Card-In-The-Hand

Foundation of Card-In-The-Hand

Founded on 1702449847
Kingdom of Gotia, Mantolas

Area: 521 acres (0.8 mi²).

Important Characters: Rodion “Bureevar”: Superior.

Heirs: Guruexe “Deposed”: Officer of the Order of Ancients, Hamlet chief of Nomercy, Htopzes “Second”: Grand cross of the Order of Builders and Merit, Priest of Rirland, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Feather of Pushkin, Noah “Buck”: Lord mayor of Agmaren, Officer of the Order of Ancients, Rulers and Builders, Elder of the brotherhood of Rains in a February, Knight of the Order of Merit, Member of the Union of Roofers, Painters and Stonemasons, Baarsik “Pechka”: Grand master of the brotherhood of Rains in a February, Knight of the Order of Holy Spirit and Ancients.

Locate on the Map

Foundation of Card-In-The-Hand


Sphere: territorial and spiritual
Vassal of the Order of Knights of Saint Lawrence

Order of the Knights of Saint Lawrence - Stanislava “Scribe”
ODYzNI+ddmaGpWltmXV7eZOHh6ilgHenh6JxZ4mSe3mHh3RsnoF5p5+DZq6ZkoZoe6V0W5eCaWie pKzck4Jx3cXir5q34a2lxHV2Zt22aamekanrxd2qmcLOspp7gnSf4XV2p9y/uJyInaykxeSyW4iA pamTgnSco5KWyaKSdHp7n4qXyL1paLS/tt6TgoetiqR1bHuiiHm3wqhjt75xy9a1br+326Vbi69p aJylloKThYilk4J1r42keG6Nknt5e4eHW6WTda6egnWvh6F0Z3ukh2eNgHZqpoF4qp91eLp7snNb jp1pd4h1dmbCuKmcoICn5svbpZfK1rOke4J0pdR1dqeThYPMqLlmaZqSdny3wrFboJaz6dV1c72M oXhqjJJ5epe4uKXeuafjz76lnIuvZmicwpaCe4WIW6CArNjhdXOnuNKkpcPSaWiGsWlonsal6uGx rZyInbCce590qr61aWien7bb08JmqYbcp1uInWlrmKWWgpODiJyglqLpw5JzfMXfq1uIlnZmpoR7 nKOUjOW/1KmqyZJ2ZsW2aWieo6Xg3MRmqYa5oq3I0rKZu3V5eJOCiszAnGasmptmaIqle22LhXVb pZNprrF1eLqHpHFoiqF9boqHaW2xgXunoIR1sI6heFuNsGl7iHV8ZpORdpyggGasmMKTgnugiFuI lqWo23V2vdq/s9t7n4dpjKZ1aHuFiIjdtK3m3HVzp3uyc1uOnWlvmZK5qNO1utjgdYape6VxW4+x aWiGdXl4k4KKzMCcZqyaknNmvs63W4iAtKjds7DY172m23ufcZ6/2rebwrZpaJ6juefTwqrmyJJz ZsXTaWiGdXl4w6KQnKGUZqmczrOje5+Kpci3aWi0hniuooZmrJquqarF3a2ZwrGympOFhpyglpbJ opJ2eoSSdmo=
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