Lamar Vilaris

Hamlet chief of Vilarisland

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Armorial Hamlet of Vilarisland

Hamlet of Vilarisland

Hamlet of Vilarisland

Founded on 1733472309
County of Charlonne, Terra Borealis

Area: 308 acres (0.5 mi²).

Important Characters: Lamar Vilaris: Hamlet chief.

Legitimate family: Vilaris.

Locate on the Map

Hamlet of Vilarisland

2 417.59

Sphere: territorial

NTIxM5Z7a5yZf4aMnI54nplwiniHgmZomYJlmpWEeJ6ofIqaiX+KZ4l7bFqcjlisl3CLl4qMhYyI e3hqmKCFgYp+d4yXkbTZ0nCFrcK6xZl7fXlpnYBmmoqAl7PGuLTZe32Di7+3lKfOvlicp3CFrbqd n4yLj3hnhrOUqIp9Y9fXurbTxrTAzLpwhWW+tKCoyreZjJd7m8jSt7jbe32DmL60mJuKfWPWy3CF l4qAlbyol3homnBle8a9oIyXkcLZzHCFrY2DhW6JcGh5u7SfyNe0xtPGubeMi414Z5yghYGKgHeV in2H
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