Diego Olinos Montealvar di Guaran, aka Diego Olinos “Scorpus”

Commander of the Order of Merit and Cartographers, Priest of Nueva Lomza and Cadiz, Village chief of Nueva Lomza and Cadiz, Officer of the Order of Holy Spirit and Feather of Cervantes, Hamlet chief of Constantina, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Denar, Mines and Merchants

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Armorial Parish of Cadiz

Parish of Cadiz

Parish of Cadiz

Founded on 1736339881

Population: 687 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Diego Olinos “Scorpus”: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Cadiz.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Cadiz


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1230 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NTczN6Fkh2moa6hcp7yabo+erJJ9sIqFo2aQb6hkmm6zqqxqgqyoiISxiHSndnx8olitZ5W6p1x+ qZqEjs6pm5Vmm1yiedap3Z6nfbjo57Nxq52EoGaKbpVouXvZ3tymcaulnrjixb7jWIlnlXinXKip mnCPzNi+vunMwpV4iVyoY5pwtJ6nZ3Gut3R+v6yhvFiMe5VlpZ/R7JppfOnnvq/luLjdmLtcomPd oN3s2qOynqd/nOvAtOOnfGmgottcoqmabI7Ox5txrJt0onm4qd1Yp33f69xcfr+siIGyjHSld5qY 1JzvXKW7mmmSzsebca6bfZVliw==
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