Diego Olinos Montealvar di Guaran, aka Diego Olinos “Scorpus”

Grand officer of the Order of Merit, Mayor of Cadiz, Commander of the Order of Holy Spirit and Feather of Cervantes, Priest of Nueva Lomza and Cadiz, Village chief of Nueva Lomza, Officer of the Order of Rulers, Blessed, Cartographers, War Cross, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Knight of the Order of Believers, Builders, Military Valour, Mines and Military Wounded, Member of the Lutemakers Society

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Armorial Parish of Cadiz

Parish of Cadiz

Parish of Cadiz

Founded on 1736339881

Population: 6,524 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Diego Olinos “Scorpus”: Priest.

In the same territory: Town of Cadiz.

Trade route with: Nueva Lomza.

Quality label: Shields, since: 1739098242.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Cadiz

2 616.98

Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 11120 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

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