Demetria Farcnik, aka Demetria “Maquina”

Priestess of Praznodar, Village chief of Praznodar, Superior of Paredes Blancas, Knight of the Order of Builders, Merit, Cartographers, Agriculture Merit, Mines and Merchants

Armorial Parish of Praznodar

Parish of Praznodar

Parish of Praznodar

Founded on 1741001795

Population: 1,155 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Demetria “Maquina”: Priestess.

In the same territory: Village of Praznodar.

Trade route with: Blizu.

Quality label: Carrots, since: 1736959121.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Praznodar


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1995 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

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