Encyclopedia Actions Combat


An attack between units present in the same area can be resolved by just dragging and dropping the icon of a unit over another. See Combat for more information. Using the action is necessary for ranged [URL=/help/act/combat:attack][…][/URL]


This action is the equivalent of a movement immediately followed by an attack. The charge can be manually commanded and can also be launched automatically during combat by defenders who cannot counterattack [URL=/help/act/combat:charge][…][/URL]


A duel is a fight between two units. Unlike a normal attack, a duel is not considered an act of war, and the fight continues only between the two units until one of them is hit. You can provoke a duel [URL=/help/act/combat:duel][…][/URL]


Moving inside an enemy building may require an intrusion, the duration of which is calculated based on the building's tightness and the Intrusion skill. An intrusion will always be considered an assault [URL=/help/act/combat:intrude][…][/URL]


A unit located outside a building and having the right of access to that building can attempt to kick out another unit inside. The expulsion attempt is resolved through a simulated attack, which causes [URL=/help/act/combat:kick][…][/URL]


Looting is a type of special attack that involves stealing money from a unit without physically harming it. This action, however, results in an automatic riposte, like a normal attack. If the unit is carrying [URL=/help/act/combat:loot][…][/URL]