Encyclopedia Actions Resource production

Demolish/Tree felling

The demolition of a building frees the area and recycle some of the resources used for its construction. Trees are themselves regarded as buildings, felling them also provides such resources as wood. The [URL=/help/act/prod:recycle][…][/URL]


Some resources can be found in the wild, according to the type of terrain. This is particularly the case of some plants such as grains and vegetables, animals for breeding, etc. The resource finding is [URL=/help/act/prod:find][…][/URL]


Production includes all the actions of manufacturing, harvesting, extraction of natural resources, animal breeding, that may produce new resources in the stock of your domain. The duration of the action [URL=/help/act/prod:prod][…][/URL]

Quality label

Each domain can choose a type of production that benefits from an exceptional quality bonus. This bonus increases by 1% every day, up to a maximum of +20%. The domain manager must go to a production location [URL=/help/act/prod:label][…][/URL]


This action reveals hidden resources, such as relics. Only a character is able to perform the search, by going to the place where the item was located and indicated by a notification. Once the excavation [URL=/help/act/prod:reveal][…][/URL]


Units that carry resources can drop them anywhere. They can then be transferred to the stock of one of the organisations of the domain, by a character having the rights of resource management. They can [URL=/help/act/prod:unload][…][/URL]