Encyclopedia Actions Entertainments Theatre show

Theatre show

Theatre is a show in which [URL=/help/unit?type=comedian]comedians[/URL], put in circumstances and situations created by a text and the vision of a director, embody characters for an outside audience (the public), in a limited time and space. Written dialogues are called plays, but there may also have theatre without written text or even without any word. The actors wear masks: this accessory allows them to be better seen by spectators sitting on distant bleachers and to be better heard, their voices being amplified like by megaphones. There are tragic masks (sad face), comedy (a split face of a broad laughter) and double masks (a tragic side, a comic side); the actors who use them must play profile. The actor, exclusively male, also wears clothes with padding lights and a high headdress, allegedly representing the gigantism of gods and heroes that he embodies. This action provides a happiness bonus to units on the premises. The duration of this action depends on the quality of the show and the number of participating actors.


Unlocked 5 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Theatre / Arena. You are currently on a bare ground.

Theatre show

Required skills and resources: