Encyclopedia Actions Performances Prayer


Prayer allows to invoke the powers of a deity. Each [URL=/help/cult]cult[/URL] gives skill and statistics bonuses to all units from the domain, wherever they are. These bonuses are adjusted by the [I]quality[/I] of the prayer. Praying a deity also give some penalties. Unlike bonuses, the maluses are independent of the action [I]quality[/I]. Cult-specific offerings are optional, but they add each a [COLOR=green]+5[/COLOR] bonus to the prayer, and therefore increase the action quality and the resulting bonuses. Domains with multiple [URL=/help/bld/cult]places of worship[/URL] can pray several deities together. However, the resulting bonuses will be divided by the number of simultaneous prayers.

Young spruces
Domain of Les-Tuileries
Kingdom of Logres, Ursalia

Unlocked 1 week after the beginning of each new continent.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Places of worship. You are currently on a building of type: Spruces.


Required skills and resources: