Encyclopedia Actions Appointments Excommunication


Excommunication is a privilege reserved for the [URL=/help/org?type=holysee]Popes[/URL]. During the action, the members of the excommunicated family can no longer access new religious titles, [URL=/help/act?type=found]found[/URL], [URL=/help/act?type=claim]claim[/URL] or [URL=/help/act?type=promote]promote[/URL] a religious or sacred organisation (coronation), get [URL=/help/act?type=marry]married[/URL], preside over a religious ceremony, [URL=/help/act?type=pray]pray[/URL] or [URL=/help/act?type=consec]consecrate[/URL] a place of worship, train [URL=/help/unit/cleric]religious units[/URL]. Excommunication has no effect on titles already acquired, on units already trained, on automatic actions, such as prayers, or on any action already started. However, units belonging to an excommunicated House receive a [COLOR=red]-5[/COLOR] happiness penalty.


Unlocked 10 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.


Required skills and resources: